Going to the dentist seems like such a daunting task. No one wants to spend hours and hours at the dentist, but like any other check-up, a visit to the dentist is inevitable. It is advisable to get one's cleaning done at least once a year. The main instruments used in cleaning are a dental compressor and a scalar. The scalar has a hook-like shape that removes plaque or tartar present on the teeth or the gum line, whereas the dental compressor airs out and cleans the mouth after cleaning. They are used after many procedures and hence make for an essential tool in any dentist's office.

Many people must have experienced the air being blown into their mouth by a thin tube. This tube comes from a compressor, which is no different from the ones found in any workshops. But the compressors in the dentist's office are hidden and have superior air quality since the air is meant for inhalation. These compressors must have the best quality features.
Oil in the air compressor
While choosing equipment, it is essential to note if the compressor is oil-free or not. In the olden days, they had no choice but to use an oil-based lubricator for smooth functioning. This lubricator caused a bad taste in the mouth and increased the risk of infections, as a lot of dust and dirt would stick to the oil, which would go into the mouth of the patient. There are so many variants of oil-free compressors in the market to choose from depending upon the budget. It also saves people money as they do not have to use filters or special pastes to undo the damage of oil deposits on their teeth and gums.
Water Compressors
Compressed air often consists of water which is both a common problem and an essential concern as it can affect the patient. Even though the water is not toxic nor can the patient taste it, the water content can put the patient at risk of developing bacterial growth. Hence it is quite essential to get a water-free compressor.
The dental air compressor should also consist of a fitted air dryer. Various types of dryers are available in the market, but the refrigerated compressor and desiccant compressed air dryer is also called adsorption air dryers.
Refrigerated compressed air dryers only give users a minimum dew pressure point of two degrees, which results in the water condensate forming on the inner surface of the equipment only below two degrees. This pressure is ideal for workshop tools and grinders but may not be low enough for a dental compressor.
On the other hand, a desiccant compressor can produce a significantly lower dewpoint pressure of minus forty degrees or more. This pressure results in relatively lower amounts of water or humidity present in the dryer and piping system, making it a more efficient system since the risk of infections depends on moisture or water present in the air.
Apart from these two features, it should also be made sure that the clinic is clean and tidy to prevent from getting into the system. Since dentists are busy with patients, it also helps to go for maintenance-free equipment. It is crucial to install the compressor in a location that would not experience a lot of traffic. And last but not least, the air compressor should be certified.