Relationships are not made overnight, it takes a lot of effort, dedication and respect. All great connections depend on individuals regarding one another and having a mutual trust and understanding, obviously. Relationships do not always have to be the romantic ones, it also includes friendships and other platonic relations, relations with your family, your office colleagues, your neighbours, basically it is the relationship of a human being with everyone living with him in the society.
Relationships are often made on the foundation of trust, respect, love and communication. Relationships are connections that are made through all the ups and downs. Relationships are always a two way thing, both the people involved in the relationship should be equally responsible and equally trusting. But relationships go through their own trails, it's not always smooth. Relationships are greatly affected by the pandemic. The pandemic has hit each trigger point in our lives – work, accounts, wellbeing, kids and individual flexibility – all meeting up in an ideal tempest of feeling.

Being under a nation wide lockdown we are living with our partners, in some cases it has made the bond stronger and in some cases the bond has grown weaker due to the differences between the people. The pandemic is very frustrating, with all the negativity going in our lives, we are now hopeless and that is affecting all our relationships we made throughout our lives. Managing the relationship strain in times like this is very important to survive the relationship and to make it last longer.
Things Ruining Relationships Managing
Many aspects and things can ruin a relationship, both personal and professional. Ruining relationships can be very harmful for a person and can affect it mentally and emotionally. Good Relationships give us the strengths and support in our lives when we need them. They act as a ray of hope in darker times, and if we ruin our relationships we have to pay a far greater price. In every phase of our life, we should avoid things that we know can ruin a relationship in our life or break a bond. Certain things like,
- Questioning the other person's good intentions is not very good. It can ruin the relationship immediately.
- Fighting over silly things, or small things which can be neglected.
- Forcing your decision or opinion on the other person is not healthy for a relationship.
- Not being an understanding partner, and pointing out only negative things.
- Taking the relationships for granted and not valuing the relationship.
- Putting ourselves first and ignoring the other person's interest is also a big no in a relationship.
- When in an argument or fight, not apologising and building up unnecessary ego even when you're wrong can also ruin things.
- Not respecting other's opinions or not giving them proper space.
Managing The Strains
Managing the strains that come with the relationship and taking care of them is very crucial. The relationship can be ruined if the strains are not taken care of properly. Relationship tension can also affect the mental, emotional condition of a person and it can reflect in their personal and professional life. All our relationships are the most important part of our lives, and we have to stick with all the ups and downs it brings with itself.

But sometimes it brings a lot of stress and strain with it, but we have to learn to manage the strains by not ruining the relationships or hurting anyone. Managing the strains of the relationships can be difficult or frustrating but without being selfish we have to keep our relationships first, because people are better than no people.
Relationship strains can be managed easily without any bigger effort simply by small gestures or realisations. There can be many ways to manage strains that relationship brings with it.
- Ask yourself, if it's the right place you're at and right thing you're doing and are you happy with it or not.
- Share your thoughts and emotions to the other person without hesitation, and if the other person does the same then listen to them carefully and learn your mistakes.
- Make time for the relationships and spend quality time so that it can let the relationship grow into a healthy relationship and there will be less strains.
- Give up the theory of being right and acknowledge the other person's perspective to resolve the differences.
- Have a positive and optimistic response towards life, it can help to avoid having strains.
- Improving your relationships and managing your strains by having an effective communication skill with the other person.
- Try to resolve the conflicts and not increase the conflict by fighting back on unnecessary issues.
Maintaining a relationship is not easy, however we can try our best not to break the bond we share with people and it can be achieved by learning how to manage the strains that come from all kinds of relationships we have in our life.