Slate flooring has become quite a popular option nowadays for many homeowners. No wonder, many homes now have slate flooring. This is because slate offers various benefits. Keep in mind that slate refers to a metamorphic rock that can be identified by its composition and fine-grained texture. In the past, slate was usually utilized for exterior surfaces, but it’s now used for interior flooring. This article discusses slate flooring.

Slate flooring maintenance and repair
Slate is considered to be one of the best natural stone flooring materials on the market. It’s durable to make it resistant to scratches, cracks, chips, and breaks. But you may need to seal it against stains regularly, especially in some rooms, such as kitchens. If you properly maintain Skifer flooring, it can last for many years and can look good without replacing or removing it.
When you seal slate regularly, it can also be a great flooring material for your bathroom. In this way, it can offer you more years of service than other types of flooring that need several replacements. Also, slate can be a good flooring material for areas with a lot of traffic.

In most cases, a tile can be damaged because of a violent impact, weathering, or natural chipping. The good news is that you can remove and replace slate tiles. This is the reason why it’s a good idea to save some leftover slate tiles from the initial installation. Slate also varies in appearance and color, making it tricky to match new slate tiles to the old ones that you came from the same stone. Therefore, you can’t expect new slate tiles to be the same as the old ones when it comes to pattern and color.
There is also a certain level of maintenance that you need to do to keep slate tiles looking attractive. Therefore, during installation, you need to seal the slate tiles with a penetrating sealer to ensure that the pores are closed and then a second barrier to protect its surface. Depending on how you use the floor and location, you may need to apply these sealers every year.
A slate tile also has grout lines that can be vulnerable. Movements in the floor may lead to the cracking of grout lines. They can also be susceptible to mold, mildew, and stains in damp areas. Hence, you need to seal them regularly or even remove and replace the grout placed between the slate tiles periodically.
There are many color combinations and solid colors available for slate floor tiles. Slate has a natural beauty that is unique in each stone, meaning every floor has its unique appearance.
You can find a wide range of solid colors, as well as multicolored slate materials available, to meet your decorative style needs. Some slate styles can have contrasting colors and others have subdued colors. Because of the increase in options, you can have a great choice of slate tiles and grout colors. This uniqueness makes slate tiles a good option for more visible areas like large kitchens and entryways.