Honest feelings are nothing but a bunch of emotions we feel in different situations. Feelings are otherwise called a condition of awareness, like that subsequent from emotions, opinions, or wants. Feelings are just felt and are conceptual in nature. They can't be contacted. Feelings are the emotions we feel. Feelings can be of many types, love, happiness, joy, sorrow, wrath, guilt, depression, etc depending on the circumstances. Having feelings and thoughts and getting to feel makes us alive. Feelings build up inside us, no matter how much we tend to ignore and avoid, we have to feel and accept the feelings.
There is nothing wrong in feeling the plethora of emotions gushing inside us, every human being has the same thing. We are referred to as living beings because we feel all sorts of things happening to us and around our surroundings. We feel happiness when something good happens, we feel sad when something bad happens. We feel when something happens. But, it is also very important to talk about our feelings rather than just feeling it and keeping it inside us.

Feeling an emotion most importantly sadness and despair and not talking about is, can be harmful for ourselves. Sharing your feelings which can be happiness or sadness to people who we consider as our friends and who would listen to us is very important. Talking about things that make you feel happy or the things that are bothering you can make you feel a little lighter.
Why To Share Your Feelings-
Sharing your feelings can be a type of therapy. Sharing your feelings with people whom you love is very essential to lead a happy, stress free life. Piling up the feelings inside us and not sharing anything with anyone is not a good and healthy approach. Feelings should be shared with anyone you trust. Sharing feelings can be helpful in many ways-

- Sharing your feelings that you feel and talking about them can bring a sense of peace and comfort to your mind.
- Talking about your feelings can make your bond stronger and better with the people you love.
- It helps to improve our communication skills and helps us to be truthful and confident about our feelings.
- Talking about what you are feeling can relax your mind and improve your mental health.
- Talking about your feelings can help you cope up with the problem you have been carrying and make you feel listened.
- Sharing your feelings and problems can also help you to come up with a solution for the problem.
- It helps us to know and analyse what we are going through and how we are feeling.
- Sharing our honest feelings can also release our anxiety and keep us more healthy.
How To Share Your Feelings-
Sharing our feelings is not an act of weakness, rather it takes a lot of courage to talk about our feelings. Sharing your feelings and thoughts is considered to be healthy, than bottling up your feelings and keeping it as it is very unhealthy for both physical and mental health. It helps to keep your mental health stable and lead you towards a better life. There are many ways through which we can share our feelings without hesitation like-

- Analysis - Analysing your feelings and knowing what you're feeling and sharing it with people.
- Sharing - Accepting the fact that you have to share your feelings for the other person to know because humans can't read minds. We have to say what we are feeling.
- Trust- Developing a sense of trust and feeling comfortable to share our feelings with our loved ones.
- Solution- Knowing that sharing your feelings can help us come up with a possible solution to the problems that are bothering you.
- Truthful- Be honest about your feelings, and think what is making you feel like this and talk about it.
- Practice- All humans are not the same, some express easily and some cannot, so those who cannot express it to others. So before sharing with anyone else try to say it loud to yourself.
- Judgements- Not caring about judgements and avoiding any of them coming your way, it will help you share your feelings in a more comfortable manner.
- Daily sharing- Writing down your feelings, or talking to someone on a daily basis, this will improve your ability to share your feelings.
- Concentrate and Control- Controlling the flow of your emotions and concentrating on them can make you share the right amount of feelings without overwhelming others and yourself.
Sharing your honest feelings and emotions is something very essential for a happy life. We as humans live together in a society and for our own good having a nonjudgmental, healthy, supportive and encouraging set of people are required near us for sharing our feelings without hesitation.