The whole world changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some aspects changed for the better and some change for the worse. For a lot of people, the pandemic sparked an interest in change - from changing their hair, their style, or their home décor. When it comes to redecorating, the pandemic has brought new trends to try, as well as people wanting to make their homes more comfortable to work from.

Post-Pandemic State
For two years, the world has been living in fear as we stopped and had to sit still, and with this came the fear that we wouldn’t be prepared for all the things that have changed in that time. For many, their work had to be done at home and this meant you had to create a space that would normally be reserved for relaxing in a work area.
This now means that, once people are deciding to redecorate their home, they potentially must consider creating a space that is dedicated to being a work-from-home space. Another aspect of home deco that has had to be rethought is the idea of creating more space to enjoy the outside. This is because, as a nation and a planet, people are going to be more prepared for the idea of another lockdown, so more space outside means less time to get claustrophobic inside.
What’s the Cost?
A lot of everyday life was affected by COVID-19, such as social skills, mental health, and work life. All these combined had a knock-on effect on a lot of people's financial situations. Due to this, many plans regarding redecorating had to be put on hold. If you take the time to research good resources to use and ensure you have full knowledge on prices, so you don’t get taken advantage of, you can fulfill your decorating dreams easily.
For example, if you wanted the classic victorian flooring tiles in your bathroom, then make sure you shop around and choose the most affordable ones, without having to compromise the aesthetic. The link above sends you to a company where that specializes in flooring, where they are full of all kinds of wisdom in this section of interior design, and you should always strive for a company like that for every section of your house.
To Sell or Not to Sell
If you want to sell after you have decorated, you will be pleased to know that this isn’t an unpopular decision to make. Many homeowners invest in a property that needs renovation with the full intention of selling it when it is done. A couple of things you can focus on to help sell are:
- Decluttering – this helps maximize space and will make some rooms look bigger.
- Spend time on the rooms that add value – as these people will look there first so you want to impress
Adjusting to life after a pandemic is difficult enough, and to then add the pressure of redecorating, some people may say you are biting off more than you can chew. However, if you ensure you are being sensible with costs, you are thinking of the bigger picture, and you are looking ahead, there is no reason why this project wouldn’t be successful.