We believe in planning ahead, thinking big, and giving it your all. Turn to the most motivational and inspirational quotes when you're faced with a struggle and doubt creeps in. No matter what life throws at you, these pearls of wisdom will help you remain focused, optimistic, and determined. Discover positive inspirational quotes from leaders from all across the world ahead.

Elevate Your Life with These Inspiring Quotes - Quotes for a Better Life
1. "A single imagination may completely modify one million realities if one is fortunate."
2. "Doing your best now puts you in the greatest position for the future."
3. If you're looking for a "Who else could it be if not us? When, if not now, will it be?"
4. "He who hustles while waiting gets everything."
5. "As long as you don't stop, it doesn't matter how slowly you move."
6. "It takes bravery to change."
7. "Those who have the audacity to believe they can change the world are the ones who do."
8. "Fight for what you believe in, but do it in a manner that encourages others to join you."
9. "The best way to get going is to stop talking and start acting."
10. "Don't simply participate. Fight it out for a place at the table. Better better, compete for a place at the table's head."
11. "You are farther advanced in life than most others if you can do your best and be pleased."
12. "You can shock the planet in a peaceful manner."
13. "Give up everything that drags you down if you wish to soar."
14. "In the midst of every challenge, there is opportunity."
15. "There are many causes worth sacrificing for, and so much history to be produced."
16. "No jewels, no pressure."
17. "Having sight but no vision is the only thing worse than being blind."
18. "In a wood, two paths diverged, and I—I chose the less frequented by one, and that has made all the difference."
19. "Everything you can imagine is real."
20. "You could wind up where you're going if you don't alter course."
21. "Going started is the key to getting ahead."
22. "It's difficult to defeat someone who never quits up."
23. "If something is essential enough, you should do it even if the odds are stacked against you."
24. "I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've dropped almost 300 games. I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot 26 times and failed. I've failed several times in my life, and it's because of this that I succeed."
25. "The greatest beauty in life is not never falling, but rising from the ashes every time we do."
26. "You must accomplish what you believe you are unable to do."
28 "Ignore the sceptics. The only alternative is to keep your head down and concentrate on the task at hand."
28. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."
29. "Be a decent one, whatever you are."
30. "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. We only have today. Let's get started."
31. "The most frequent route to mediocrity is to be realistic."
32. "Everything you want is on the other side of fear."
33. "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
34. "At the end of the day, we are capable of much more than we believe."
35. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is a habit, not an act."
36. "If a voice inside you tells you that you can't paint, then paint anyhow and that voice will be hushed."
37. "You don't have to look at the whole stairwell; just take the first step."
38. "I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now, and you'll be a champion for the rest of your life."
39. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
40. "Believe in the value of life, and your belief will help you create the reality."
41. "I really believe that a champion is characterised not by their victories, but by their ability to rebound when they lose."
42. "I’m continually trying to make choices that put me against my own comfort zone. You are developing as long as you are uncomfortable."
43. "People who set goals achieve their objectives because they know where they're heading."
44. "Make each day a work of art."
46 "Believing in yourself is magic. If you can do that, you can accomplish everything."
47 "You notice things and ask, "Why?" But I have dreams about things that never happened, and I tell myself, 'Why not?'"
"It's never too late to be the person you might have been."
47 "It's impossible to be the greatest at everything. You can only be the greatest at one thing: improving yourself."
49. "Think for yourself to discover yourself."
50. "Anything is possible if you put your mind to it."
Transform Your Better Life with Inspiring Quotes

Source: www.pinterest.com