With Halloween around the corner, it's time to start thinking about festive window decor that will spook up your home. Check out these unique ideas for Halloween window decorations. Transform your windows into a creepy masterpiece with our suggestions! Don't wait - start decorating now!
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After you’ve given a creepy look to your front door it’s time to make your house or apartment windows horribly scary. I invite you to read this article! I have researched a list of scary decoration ideas about the latest Halloween Window decor. This Halloween season throw out your fear from the window and let them not bounce back to you with some creepy Halloween window décor. I generally prefer going for lighted décor because I find them weirdly attractive and also somewhat scary. However, if you are in search of some other scary window décor Halloween ideas then you can find it here.

Table of Contents
A scary window can make your Halloween home decor look complete. It can create a depressing and spooky ambiance around your home. This Halloween speak aloud your creativity with these easy-to-make homemade Halloween Window Decor DIY ideas. Check out these ideas and I’m sure you’ll love them.
Creative DIY Halloween Window Decor Ideas
#1 Halloween displays!
To create this window decoration, simply find three umbrellas, and large pieces of cardboard for which legs or use yellow and black striped clothe and you can DIY pumpkins. Then you can attach all of them to the window. This Halloween window decor is reusable, so you can use it out every year. Pic source

#2 Ghost Silhouettes
Do you want to be decor you window with ghost silhouettes? Just print and cut out the ghost silhouette templates and paste theme behind the curtains. Photo by loopylocks on flickr

#3 Spider, Bat and Witch Halloween Window
It is good to have silhouettes for Halloween window decorations. Decoration with spiders, bat and witch silhouettes make it scary, crawly Halloween staples. If you want touch of creepiness, You can go with classic spider webs. pic source

#4 Halloween Hanging Zombies
Halloween hanging zombies can create a creepy and festive atmosphere in house. With horror design, your window will be scary and perfect for Halloween night. You can add more Halloween props with zombies, that will be greatly echos the theme of Halloween. Pic source

#5 Scary Spooky Bloody-Hands
Bloody hand-prints on windows are sure to give your guests a scare. This spooky bloody hand designs can be paste of white cloth and attached to the inside of your window. Pic source

#6 Spooky window!
With this spooky window decoration your house would definitely look haunted. Use white cheese cloth as spooky yet classy curtains, spider, Halloween spooky sticker and other props to complete your Halloween decorations. Get the instruction - DIY Inspired

#7 Halloween Vampire Window Decoration
Creating a Halloween window decoration that will illuminate your window this Halloween. You can decor your window like below picture there is a big size vampire which covered whole window. This vampire would look especially eerie in a window that's high up. Pic source

#8 Spider Web Decorations
Get in the spooky Halloween window decoration by spider web decorations stretch over windows to create an eerie atmosphere. You can trim your haunted house with this must-have Halloween window decoration. Pic source

#9 Creepy Girl Halloween window
This decoration is as simple as it is scary. The creepy girl Halloween prop are perfect for scaring people who are trick or treating; this prop can be taped or tacked to your windows and produce a gruesome effect. Pic source

#10 Spider Web Lamp
If you are thinking about something easy to decorate your window, You can use a spooky spider webs lamp. It is very easy just throw the web in your lamp and add spiders to it and your DONE! Pic source

#11 Trick-or-treat Pumpkin Decor
Spider web, crime scene stickers, and craving pumpkins create a classic fall window display. You can welcome your guest with these spooky signs. Kids will love them! Pic source

#12 Floating Ghost

Super creepy floating head-hanging ghosts are perfect for Halloween window decor! Kids and neb rougher will love this running ghost around the window. You can make these ghosts float on strings. Pic source
#13 Wicked Witch Legs Halloween Decoration!
These witch's legs are really cute for Halloween window decoration. It is a props for Halloween parties and the kids loved them. The image of witch legs with striped stockings and pointy leather shoes has become traditional now. Pic source

#14 White Ghost Balloons
The balloon is perfect as Halloween window decorations for those who want to spend little on Halloween decorations. With it, you can make fun photo booths and scary ghosts. Just use a permanent pen, or paper clips to make the ghost's face. Pic source unknown

#15 Toothy Pumpkin with Spider-web
Cut out a big pumpkin or you can crave pumpkins to create this Halloween window decoration. Let light pass through pumpkins and in the background, you can use a big spider with a web. You can use string lights and candles to give it a different look. Pic source

#16 Eyeball Hanging Halloween Decoration
Looking for an eye-catching Halloween decoration that guests won’t be able to take their eyes off of? Make a bunch of these scary eyeballs and scatter them all over your window. Pic source

#17 DIY Floating Witch Hat
Fun Halloween window decorations idea with floating witch hat and orange string lights. Use black spider web and bat silhouette to give a spooky look to your window. Pic source

#18 Painted Halloween Window
If you want to decor your window with paint and markers. You can draw witches and create your very own Halloween window decorations. This decoration is perfect for haunted houses and the Halloween obsessed, and are sure to terrify just about everyone. Pic source

#19 Halloween window display is to die for Hee hee heeeee
This colorful evil clown decoration will be the perfect for your Halloween window decoration. This creepy clown with colorful balloon are what nightmares are made of! That Peers in your window to frighten Trick-Or-Treaters. Pic source

#20 Don't open dead inside
Zombies are inside the window keep away from this house, a well decorated Halloween window decorated; With this decoration in your windows, people may think twice before they stop by. Pic source

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Hopefully, you were able to get a bit of inspiration from this list.
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