Whether you're just starting started with running, preparing for a major event, or in the midst of a marathon, running quotes may be a great source of inspiration.

Here are a few of my favorite motivating running quotes.
- "Run when you can, walk when you must, crawl when you must - but don't give up."
- "Keep in mind that the sensation you receive from a good run is much superior to the sensation you get from sitting about wishing you were jogging."
- "Some people scoff at those who run every day and declare they'll go to any extent to live longer. But don't believe that's why most people flee. Most runners run because they want to experience life to the fullest, not because they want to live longer."
- "Love yourself for who and what you are; safeguard your dream, and maximize the potential of your skill."
- "You are a runner if you run. It makes no difference how quickly or how far you go. It makes no difference whether this is your first day of running or if you've been doing it for twenty years. There are no exams to take, no licenses to get, and no membership cards to obtain. All you do is run."
- "I've learned through running that the best moment to push yourself is when you're in excruciating pain and want to quit up. Success is often on the horizon."
- "At first, it's difficult to grasp that the goal isn't to beat the other runners. You eventually realize that the competition is against the inner voice that begs you to give up."
- "Never put a limit on where you can go while you're jogging. That is true in terms of geography, spirituality, and, of course, physicality."
- "Anyone can profit from and take advantage of running's advantages and chances. You don't have to be a natural athlete or have a special talent to succeed. A life-changing opportunity is waiting for you just outside your door."
- "I run because I hope that long after my footprints have faded, I will have encouraged a few to forego the easy road, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always brings me where I want to go."
- " I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running over the years, but it always comes back to where it all began. It all boils down to a feeling of accomplishment and self-satisfaction."
- "The problem about running is that your best runs are seldom judged by race results. Running helps you to recognize how lovely your life is at certain points in time."
- "I run because it's a metaphor for life. To conquer the challenges, you must be self-motivated. You may believe that you are unable to do so. But then you discover your inner power and realize you're capable of much more than you ever imagined."
- "It's intended to be difficult. Everyone would do it if it wasn't so difficult. It's the difficulty that makes it amazing!"
- "Enjoy the terrible practice runs. It's impossible to notice, much alone appreciate, the excellent ones without them."
- "On the roads, there is fitness, self-discovery, and being the people we were born to be."
- "Perhaps more than anything else, running has taught me that there's no need to be afraid of starting lines...or other fresh beginnings."
- "There are moments when you're running a marathon and you're thinking to yourself, 'Why am I doing this?' But you take a bottle of water, get your breath back around the next curve, remember the finish line, and keep going."
- "Believing you are a runner starts with knowing you are one with what you are doing, with knowing you are a full athlete."
- "Run often. Run for a long time. But never let your passion for racing escape you."
- "Believe in your ability to run further and faster. Believe that you are young enough, old enough, powerful enough, and so on to achieve your goals. Don't allow stale beliefs to hold you back from expanding your horizons."
- "You don't stop running because you're old; you stop running because you're old."
- "Challenge yourself and take a chance every now and then. You are more powerful than you think."
Remember the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running. – Sarah Condor
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