There has been an increase in the availability of master's degree programs for special education in recent times. It was direly needed as the prevailing teaching approaches catered to the "general" student for the longest time. Children with special needs are at the risk of becoming economically and socially marginalized adults due to their lack of access to special education. The issue was further worsened by the low availability of university programs for special education. Hence, teachers for special education could not pursue higher education to become more effective in their role and create a supportive learning environment.
It has changed now as educationists acknowledge the special attention needed in educating "diverse learners," including exceptional children and children with special physical or neurological needs. Research studies highlighted that the standard pedagogical approaches are not suited for teaching this group of children. This has finally translated to action, with modern-day educators acting upon research insights by developing innovative and novel methodologies for teaching diverse learners.

Integration of immersive learning techniques and outdoor classroom teaching methodologies are now practiced in teaching special education. Suppose you aspire to teach diverse learners or support them as an educationist. In that case, however, you are having difficulty making up your mind, then this article can help you as it discusses three important reasons why you should opt for a master's in special education.
1) Acquire Knowledge of Special Education Theory
To formally learn the foundations of pedagogical techniques for special education and their theoretical basis, you should consider pursuing a master's in special education. Having this degree will authenticate your credentials and commitment to special education, and you will be able to play a role in supporting diverse learners academically.
The knowledge and skills you will acquire are the distinguishing marks of a special education teacher and the specialized approaches. The standardized approach in teaching is referred to as the "banking" model of education. In this model, students' "consumption" of information in classrooms and "replication" through tests and exams are prioritized over students' individual, social, and intellectual growth. This model fails to recognize the different manners in which individuals learn and does not accommodate diverse learners in attaining education.
Formally and informally, special education professionals apply the critical pedagogy approach in their respective practices. The reason for that is that this approach to education aims to raise the critical consciousness of individuals as students and human beings by using diverse and participatory methodologies for education. If you are a teacher or an educationist who is currently working with or aspiring to work with diverse learners, you should consider enrolling in a master's program for special education.
2) Study Immersive Learning
Contemporary educationists consider immersive learning one of the most suitable techniques for teaching diverse learners. The technique is derived from four different technologies; namely, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Simulation Learning. These technologies function by creating virtual platforms to support special education teachers and educationists in creating an immersive learning experience for special children. A virtual or augmented learning environment removes the real-world stimuli or distractions that hamper children's learning with special needs. Furthermore, acquiring knowledge through a textbook or practicing behavior can be very difficult for diverse learners in the traditional classroom environment.
Immersive learning navigates these challenges by creating a safe setting for learning through simulated environments and practicing skills without the risk of physical distress. It also provides them a safe environment to experience simulated environments and acquire physical skills. These techniques generate a lot of data analytics and can be used to develop individualized experiences and monitor the learning of everyone as well as collectively.
These techniques are now included in master’s programs for special education. Teachers and educationists can then apply them in their respective practice. Special education institutions and programs are now prioritizing the usage of immersive learning techniques for diverse learners. Hence, learning this technique will increase your value as a special education expert, and you can play a role in furthering the knowledge and practice of immersive learning.
3) Learn Individualized Education Plans
Special education teachers can develop Individualized education plans (IEP) for each student for an academic calendar. IEPs are based on the individual assessment of each student’s special strengths and needs. Developing IEPs is included in the special education master’s curriculum and enhances the teachers’ knowledge of special needs and enhances their capacity to apply special education techniques.
The first step to making an IEP is to conduct individual sessions with children to understand the child and the nature of their disability and identify learning goals, needs, and strengths. The second step is to identify a suitable learning environment and techniques for each child. The third step is to form groups of children who require the same learning environment and techniques. Having these plans enable teachers to tailor the classroom for each learning group. Using IEPs as a special education teacher will allow you to ensure that each student in your class gets individualized attention.
Final Thoughts
By opting for a master’s in special education, you will be able to have increased knowledge and capacity for educating diverse learners. If you are already in the field of special education, you will benefit heavily in your career. It will increase your institutional demand and give you a chance to work at a higher institutional level. The article discussed the three important facets of special education theory and practice you will be learning in your special education master’s.
The first is the theoretical knowledge of special education and critical pedagogy used in providing good special education. Next, we discussed immersive learning techniques to facilitate students learning with special needs. Lastly, making and implementing individualized education plans was highlighted for providing diverse learning students with the necessary and tailored learning experience.
Hope this article helps and encourages existing and aspiring special education teachers to go for master’s in special education to provide the best learning experience to diverse learners.