Typically, most pool owners are worried about the maintenance and care of their backyard pool, and for that reason, many invest in a pool cover and/or patio enclosures. But, what about the care that your pool cover needs?

Just as the pool needs maintenance, so does your cover. If this is new to you, we have curated a mini-guide to make your pool cover function optimally for years, based on the type of pool cover you have.
Automatic Pool Covers
- First, check the water level; ideally, it has to be at a mid-skimmer level. The low water level can cause snags, while the high water level can flood the system. This is because it will cause more strain on the pool cover when there is snow, water, or debris accumulation.
- Make sure you remove debris, snow, or water immediately from the pool cover to avoid causing any damage to the reel and the liner. A simple brush or a telescopic pole can quickly get rid of the snow or debris. To pull off the water from the cover, employ a water pump.
- A motorized pool cover must be cleaned between three to six months. Over time, the sun dries the water, leaving the chemical residue behind. The leftover reduces the lifespan of a pool cover.
- Reel out, and you must clean the pool in sections. Apply non-harsh detergent, light brush, and use a garden hose to spray water.
- Check thoroughly for wear and tear in the mechanical function of the pool cover. You must call in a pool repair expert immediately if you come across a problem.

Solid Swimming Pool Covers
- Just like for the automatic pool cover, check the waterline. Snow loads, heavy debris, and water can lead to excessive strain on the pool cover, hence negatively impacting its lifespan.
- Cleaning of a solid swimming pool cover must be done much more frequently compared to an automatic cover, typically, once in two months.
- If you see mold being developed on the pool cover, remove it with the help of bleach, and then spray water with a garden hose. Before storing the pool cover, make sure it is properly dried up to avoid any further mold growth.
- There are patch kits to fix the holes in the solid swimming pool cover.
- Make sure you don’t cover the pool immediately after applying chemicals; this can prevent damage caused to the pool cover by the chemicals.

Mesh Swimming Pool Covers
- First, check the waterline; make sure it is not too low or too high.
- Don’t forget to check the spring tension now and then; it should be set to at least half for more compression. If the pool cover is loose, it will cause draining and damage to the pool cover.
- Clean out the anchor sockets; this is important to ensure their proper functioning the next time.
Which Pool Cover Requires Less Maintenance?
The automatic pool cover requires little elbow grease, but they are prone to breaking down, and repairing can be costly.
For mesh, no pump or special upkeep is needed, but it allows water to pass through.
The solid pool cover offers complete end-to-end covering and doesn’t allow the minute dirt particles to get in the pool water; however, you have to pump out loads of water, snow, and debris more frequently.
So, the ball is in your court; you’ve to decide which pool cover best suits you.