We all need a little push sometimes, no matter who we are or where we're heading in life, and these magical quotes may help us get there.
When you were a kid, the idea of magic was always there in your mind. Magic was a part of your existence, from the movies you watched to the books you read to the Santa and Easter Bunny tales you believed in.

Magical Quotes that will keep you believing
1. "Books are a kind of magic that is particularly portable."
2. "Those who deny the existence of magic will never discover it."
3. "Magic may be discovered in the most unexpected places."
4. "Magic things abound in the universe, patiently waiting for our senses to sharpen."
5. "Any sufficiently sophisticated technology blurs the line between magic and science."
6. "Know in your heart that you were born to live a life filled with passion, purpose, magic, and miracles."
7. "Children sense magic because they are on the lookout for it."
8. "Even when everything appears lost, magic will find those with pure hearts."
9. "The most powerful type of magic is music."
10. "Magic is believing in oneself," says number ten. If you can achieve it, you can do anything."
Magical Quotes to help you awaken your dreams
11. "Magic does exist. When there are rainbows and wildflowers, wind music, and the quiet of the stars, who can question it? Magic has affected everyone who has ever loved. It's both a basic and spectacular aspect of our daily life."
12. "I'm convinced there's Magic in everything; we just don't have the wisdom to grasp it and make it work for us."
13. "I'd want to be a magician. I want to reach out and grin at the world's heart. I want to be an elf buddy that lives in a tree. Alternatively, you may hide behind a hill. I want to marry a moonbeam so that I can listen to the stars sing. I'm done with pretending to be a magician. I'd want to be a magician."
14. "I believe hope and magic are inextricably linked."
15. "Genius is just another name for magic, and the entire idea of magic is that it's impossible to explain."
16. "In partnerships, true magic is the absence of other people's judgment."
17. "The genuine magic carpet is imagination."
18. "Truth, honesty, and openness have a certain power about them."
19. "Think about the power of that little foot on which your whole weight rests. It's a miracle, and the dance celebrates it."
20. "Movies are like magic tricks."
Magical Quotes that will stoke your inner fire
21. "Everything has a little bit of magic in it, and some loss to balance things out."
22. "Painting is a deception. It is the most magical and sublime of all mediums. It creates a room where none previously existed."
23. "Going to the studio every morning at dawn was fantastic when I was young and creating movies."
24. "I don't see much of a distinction between magic and art." The ultimate act of magic, in my opinion, is to produce something out of nothing, similar to when a stage magician removes the rabbit from the hat."
25. "We were dubbed perfectionists a lot, but we weren't seeking for it." We were on the lookout for anything magical in the music."
26. "I usually write 'Magic Potion' on my perfume bottles so it seems magical when I use them — I create morning spells when I put them on."
27. "I believe that the greatest things come by accident while producing a film or a song - and those are the things that wind up being the magic." It's always been better when I've gone with my gut than when I've attempted to do what I was meant to do."
28. "Magic is found in taking on the seemingly unattainable."
29. "The perfect place, in my opinion, must-have aspects of enchantment, tranquillity, sorcery, and mystery."
30. "Myths are based on magic."
Magical Quotes to enliven your imagination
31. "Music is so private and personal that it's magical when you meet someone who feels the same way about it as you do." It's possible. "It's possible."
32. "To me, what others term magical realism is commonplace and daily."
33. "I believe that space and music go hand in hand in that they both provide a feeling of wonder and enchantment to existence."
34. "I came on this planet to express myself, and the many forms of art are the magical carpets that enable me to do so."
35. "The world is magical in and of itself."
I've taken out some of my favorite quotes from the internet and assembled them into the list below. Enjoy!