Loving yourself is the first step towards loving anyone. Loving yourself is something that we have to learn. Loving yourself doesn't mean to be self obsessed but just to know that you're capable of doing things and are quite happy about where you have come from and made an amazing journey all by yourself. Loving yourself is also known as self love. Self-love is a feeling of admiration for oneself that develops as a result of behaviors that promote our physical, psychological, and spiritual development. There are various ways to change your view of yourself by changing your subconscious mind like you can learn how to manifest using paper and pen and write positive affirmations for yourself on a daily basis.

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What Is Self Love?
Self-love is defined as having a great regard for one's own happiness and well-being. Self-love entails attending to your own needs rather than putting others' needs ahead of your own. Self-love entails refusing to accept anything less than what you deserve. Because we all have different ways of taking care of ourselves, self-love can mean different things to different people.
It's crucial to your mental health to figure out what self-love looks like for you as an individual. You should know that you have responsibilities towards yourself too as well as to others. Loving yourself is the first step towards being happy. Accepting all your flaws, mistakes and habits and loving yourself with all your heart is something from which an immense amount of happiness can be derived. Loving yourself has many benefits, some of them are-
1. Benefits Of Self Love-
Loving yourself is something very essential. Self love is very important for a person's growth. Self love is very different from all other different kinds of love that we experience throughout our life. Loving another person is somewhat easy, than loving yourself. Self ignorance and self negligence is something that comes very frequently after any disheartening experience, we start to question ourselves and what we are doing but we forget to appreciate ourselves after any achievement to be happy. Self love has so many other benefits like,

- In a relationship, the way you love yourself determines how you want to be treated.
- Loving yourself allows you to love others more effectively.
- It helps you to minimise unneeded envy, insecurity, and anger from your relationship by loving yourself.
- You gain the confidence to create magic with your own strength by recognising and accepting who you truly are.
- It removes the fear of being rejected and thus helps reduce stress and anxiety.
- It helps in self growth both personally and professionally, boosts our health.
- With high level of self awareness and self live our motivation is increased and we feel inspired.
- Embracing who you are allows you to not only admit your previous flaws and failings, but also to find a way to make peace with them and learn to live in the present.
- You get clarity about your strengths, passions, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities through increasing your self-awareness. It protects you against narcissism or blinded passivity.
It helps in so many things and our overall growth and helps us to lead a happy and content life without any fear or regrets. But self love isn't something that comes naturally, we learn that over course of time as we move forward in our lives. These are some of the ways that we can adopt to love ourselves more.
2. Recognise Yourself -
If you don't know who you are, it's impossible to love yourself. Invest time in figuring out what you believe, value, and enjoy. By loving yourself is where you can learn more about getting to know yourself.
3. Saying No -
When you need to, say "no." Boundaries are an important part of self-care because they communicate to others that you expect and deserve respect.
4. Know Your Strengths-
Know what your strengths are and how to put them to work for you. We all have incredible abilities, yet many of them are overlooked. It's difficult to access these amazing traits while you're busy and distracted. By concentrating on your assets, you will feel better about yourself.

5. Healthy Circle-
Surround yourself with individuals who are kind and respectful to you. How you feel about yourself is reflected in who you spend time with. People who believe in themselves are surrounded by positive people. Sometimes respecting oneself necessitates ending relationships with individuals who are abusive or unpleasant.
6. Alone Time-
Spending time with yourselves and speculating about things that are happening in our lives. Appreciating your successes, pursuing a hobby, feeling your emotions and accepting all your mistakes makes you love yourself more. You get to know yourself more.
7. Stop Comparison-
Don't measure yourself against others. Others aren't better or worse than you, nor are they more or less; they're just different. You are valuable in your own right, and recognising yourself eliminates the need for comparisons.
Learning Self love is something you can't deny but the best way to grow as an individual. It helps us to see life in a different perspective and have a lot of kindness and gratitude in ourselves.