These inspiring positive thoughts can help you look on the bright side—even when your day starts on the wrong foot. If you're seeking positive quotations and uplifting sayings to brighten your spirits, keep reading.
This compilation of inspirational "keep positive" quotes, ideas, and messages will help you get your "glass half full" attitude back during these uncertain times, with uplifting sayings that foster a feeling of optimism to feel-good affirmations that'll help you get your "glass half full" attitude back.

Inspiring Positive Thoughts that Help You Stay Positive
1. "Always keep your back to the light, and shadows will fall behind you."
2. "Amazing things are usually hidden in locations where people don't think to look."
3. "The first step in making the invisible apparent is to set objectives."
4. "You have the option of having it all." Just not all at the same time."
5. "I've failed several times throughout my life. That is why I am successful."
6. "Say something good, and positive things will happen."
7. "All you need is a strategy, a map, and the fortitude to keep going until you reach your goal."
8. "Train your mind to look for the positive in every circumstance."
9. "You win if you can remain optimistic in a bad circumstance."
10. "Keep an optimistic attitude. "Better days are approaching."
11. "You can only see the stars in the dark."
12. "I live in the realm of possibilities."
13. "A goal isn't necessarily supposed to be achieved; it may also be used as a target."
14. "All you need is a No. 2 pencil and a dream."
15. "You can shock the universe in a peaceful manner."
16. "Stay true to yourself, and others will respect you."
17. "Each day brings its own set of blessings."
18. "Happiness is a butterfly that is always just beyond your reach when chased, but that may alight on you if you wait quietly."
19. "You do not come across a joyful existence." It's all up to you."
"Inspiration comes from inside yourself," says number twenty. It is necessary to have a good attitude. "Good things happen when you're upbeat."
21. "Those who don't believe in magic will never discover it."
22. "You don't always realize how valuable a moment is until it becomes a memory."
23. "A day without laughing is the most squandered of days."
24. "To win big, you have to take huge chances occasionally."
25. "We need to continue constructing the 'what is next' of our lives in order to live a fulfilling existence. There is no living, just existing, without ambitions and objectives, and that is not why we are here."
26. "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
27. "What's behind you and what's in front of you are nothing compared to what's within you."
28. "The minute you question your ability to fly, you lose all hope of ever being able to do so."
29. "Think and marvel. Wonder and consider."
30. "Just so you know, dear, not every good change is pleasant at first."
31. "A single candle may light thousands of candles, yet the candle's life will not be reduced." Happiness is never diminished when it is shared."
32. "We must never forget that the finest kind of thankfulness is not to speak words, but to live by them as we show our thanks."
33. "There is never a time when an act of compassion, no matter how tiny, goes unnoticed."
34. "When you eventually see someone, most people are pleasant."
35. "You may as well think something worthwhile while you're picturing."
36. "We become what we think."
37. "Words and ideas have the power to transform the world, regardless of what others say."
38. "Whoever is joyful will spread happiness to others."
39. "Our life, our efforts, and our acts will be remembered by others."
40. "If we have the confidence to follow our ambitions, they may all come true."
41. "You'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't accomplish in twenty years than by the ones you did."
42. "Salvation is found inside."
43. "Jump in with both feet and be fearless."
44. "I'd lose my angels if I got rid of my devils."
45. "Let your conscience be your guide at all times."
46. "Do what your spirit tells you to do."
47. "I want to fulfill my potential, make a difference in the world, and leave a legacy."
48. "Today is a wonderful day to attempt."
49. "Make your life meaningful and enjoyable."
50. "Make the decision to be positive; it feels better."
Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses - Brian Tracy
“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
“The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.” – Robert H Schuller
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anais Nin
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” – Douglas Adams
“Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher.” – Maya Watson
Change the way you think - One Day At a Time!, turn to these most inspiring positive thoughts for a positive day to get you going.
Inspiring Positive Thoughts For A Positive Day