There is no denying that birds are beautiful animals, so it is no surprise that you want to attract them to your outdoor space. If you want to know how to make your garden more wildlife-friendly, keep reading this article for some top tips.
From providing a fresh water supply to installing cosy shelters, here’s what you can do to make your garden more attractive to birds.
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Install Nest Boxes and a Bird Bath
Nest boxes provide a cosy shelter for any birds who visit your garden. It is also ideal for birds who need a place to raise their young. The type of birds you attract to your nest box will depend on the size of the entrance hole. You can install several around your garden, all with different sizes - so that you can accompany different breeds. You can learn how to DIY your own nest box through various tutorials available online.

Birdbaths have two essential functions. They allow birds to clean their feathers to make preening a lot easier, and they also provide a drinking supply. A bird’s feathers help to keep them warm. So, when they get covered in dirt and dust, it is vital that they can access a birdbath to bathe themselves. Once they have cleaned their feathers, they can then rearrange them to keep themselves warm and happy.
Provide Natural Shelters
Although it is beneficial to provide nest boxes, it is also important that you provide spaces where birds can make their own shelters too. Flowers, trees and shrubs are comforting for birds, and it shelters them from harsh weather and predators. It will certainly help your garden feel more like home. If your garden lacks plants and trees, then it could be worth trying your hand at gardening.
Not everyone will have the space to plant plenty of trees and shrubs. However, even planting one tree can make all the difference. It is important that you make the most out of your outdoor space. If you are struggling for inspiration, take a trip down to your local garden centre and ask for some advice. The internet is also bursting with helpful tips and tricks.
Plant Fruit Trees
If there is one thing that all birds love, it is fruit and berry-bearing trees. So, if you want to attract more birds to your garden, it might be worth taking a trip down to your local garden centre. Shelter and nesting opportunities are a sure-fire way to attract birds to your garden. However, providing them with an attractive food supply will also do the trick. It is advised that you opt for trees such as holly, hawthorn and honeysuckle.
If your garden has enough trees for your liking, you can also plant shrubs like berberis and pyracantha, which are sure to do the trick. For more information on which plants attract birds, it is advised that you talk to someone down at your local garden centre and always refer to the internet as it is full of helpful resources.
Provide Nutritional Food
The food you choose to put out for birds will determine what breeds will come and visit. For instance, niger seeds are commonly adored by goldfinches, whilst blackbirds and chaffinches like sunflower seeds. Regardless of the food you choose to put out, you should always purchase your birdseed from a reputable source. Doing so will allow you to choose the right food for the birds in your garden. The seeds you supply should provide the birds in your garden with the energy they need.

Now you can even order birdseed from the comfort of your own home with the help of Little Peckers. This fantastic online shop is bursting with bird food and wildlife supplies. You can seek expert advice, and you can find a range of products that will attract a whole host of different bird breeds to your garden. It is well worth a look if you are looking for a one-stop shop for all things birdseed.
Try To Keep Predators Away
You want birds to feel like your outdoor space is their home. To achieve this, it is important that you do your bit to keep predators away. Cats can cause harm to birds. So, it would help if you placed feeders where they cannot be easily spotted. If you regularly have cats entering your garden, avoid placing feeders close to the ground. This makes it easier for cats to access them as they will often wait undercover and sneak up on their prey.
You can learn more about how to keep cats out of your garden through various online resources. It is well worth doing your research as this will soon make your garden a lot more attractive to wildlife. Sparrowhawks can also pose a threat to birds. There are many tactics you can use to keep them away. Hanging CDs in trees is a well-known tactic. It may sound odd, but it is certainly an effective tactic.
Change The Location of Nest Boxes
If you install a nest box and find that it doesn’t get many visitors, try not to be too disheartened. You should try and change the location of your nest boxes now and again. Even the most minor changes can encourage more birds to occupy the space. As previously mentioned, you should avoid using multiple nest boxes of the same size. This can become confusing for the birds who wish to nest there. As well as switching up the location of your nest boxes, you should also regularly clean them. Using hot water will help you get rid of any parasites that may have been living in there.
Be Aware of What Foods Are Bad
It is vital that you provide nutritional food for the birds in your garden. To achieve this, it is important that you understand which foods are deemed insufficient for them. People commonly associate foods like bread with birds. We can often throw scraps of bread into our gardens. However, this is not as nutritious as birdseed. If you wish to feed stale bread to the birds in your garden, firstly turn it into breadcrumbs and then soak it.

Sugary treats are also something to avoid. Once birds consume them, they can dry up and solidify around their beaks. If you need more information regarding which foods are bad for bird health, it is recommended that you conduct some research. You may be surprised at some of the foods that come up.
Clean Your Bird Feeders Regularly
Although installing bird feeders around your garden is great for wildlife, you mustn't neglect them. It would help if you regularly took time to clean and disinfect all of the bird feeders that you have. Seeds can go mouldy, which can lead to disease for many birds. There are plenty of cleaning tips online that you can take inspiration from. A tell-tale sign that your feeders need cleaning is if the birds in your garden look sick. Often, any birds who look low energy with fluffed up feathers could be ill. If this is the case, clean out your feeders as soon as possible.