Winter season means cotton like snow covered homes, gardens and bare branches of the trees. If you are lucky enough, you get to see the actual snowflake. But, even if you are not that lucky you can actually use some bare twigs from your garden or backyard to make a twig snowflake Christmas craft.

This easy Christmas craft for kids can be done with pre-schoolers as well as school-goers. Its so right for kids of all age groups. Even if you have a small little kiddo just ask him to stick these small colourful beads and he will love every bit of this Twig snowflake winter craft.
You can even use this craft for your Christmas tree. I have attached a small ribbon from the top of the twig so that you can hang it as a Twig Snowflake ornament for your Christmas tree.

Supplies needed for Twig Snowflake Christmas Ornaments
- Twigs
- Colorful crystal beads or Pom Pom
- Christmas Ornaments
- Glue
- Ribbon
How to make a snowflake ornaments for Christmas using just twigs?
Step 1: Gather four twigs which are at least 4-6-inches in length from your garden or backyard.
Step 2: Arrange them in the form of a snowflake by sticking them at the center. Stick a small Christmas ornament like a star or a santa to cover that spot.
Step 3: Stick colourful crystal beads on the twig keeping some gap in between. Start from one end and go to the center of the snowflake.
Step 4: Make a loop with your ribbon and stick the ends on the top end of the twig so that it can be hanged anywhere that you want.
Pom-Pom Twig Snowflake Christmas Craft
And, that is how you make a snowflake Craft for Christmas with just twigs. Wasn’t this the most creative craft that you’ve seen until now?