Dill weeds and seeds are the leading herbs used to enhance freshness to different dishes. In terms of taste and flavour, both are unique. However, there are some dill weed and seed alternatives that many people want to have it.

Fennel is one of the leading substitutes which is normally used in several dishes of continental and Asian origin. Here are the details about how you can use fennel in different forms as a replacement for dill and add freshness to your dish at the same time:
Procedure to use fennel stalk
Old fennel stalks are mostly discarded but few people use them in some dishes. It tastes tough but can enhance the flavour of stored food. The best way to use fennel stalk is to cook it with the food for a prolonged period and remove it after it has released its flavour.

Fennel stalk, if added to the dish properly can provide a sweet odour to the dish. You can add the Fennel stalk in various non-veg dishes like meat and fish curries.
Procedure to use fennel leaves (fronds)
Fennel leaves are similar to the dill weed but it is more commonly used as the dill weed is not always available in the market. These leaves are also known as fronds and are best used for garnishing different dishes. Moreover, it can be used as the main ingredient in soups, salad, and vegetable dishes.

However, you must remember to use it in the right proportion. Fennel leaves provide the desired lightness to different types of dishes only when used in the right proportion. Preferably, you can buy the fennel fronds along with their stems.
The procedure of using fennel stems
Fennel stems are used in different dishes the same way as the fronds. You can also put a combination of fennel leaves and stems together in a dish. Always try to use this combination in curries and stews.

Generally, the normal combination of spices in both curries and stews can make it spicy. As a substitute to dill weed, fennel stem and leaves can act well as a taste enhancer.
The procedure of using fennel seeds
When it comes to the usage of fennel seeds, you can use them in the same proportion as the dill seed. Moreover, fennel seeds have a distinct flavour as the other parts. Mainly, in Asian cuisine, fennel seeds are used as a garnish and a sweetening agent,

If you are cooking meat or fish and do not have the dill seeds, try some fennel seeds. In some Indian curries, fennel seeds are used as the main ingredient.
Fennel as an ingredient in different dishes
Apart from the dishes mentioned above, fennel leaves and seeds can go with several other lip-smacking dishes belonging to different cuisines. Here are the details:

Pasta Salad: When making pasta salad, you can conveniently smash the Fennel stem in it. People often put fennel stem in pasta salad as a replacement for dill weed. Moreover, the people who concentrate more on flavour can put the extracts of fennel stem in normal salads too.
Relish: Relish is a Madeterrenian dish that is made using continental spices and herbs. Many people use fennel seeds in this dish instead of dill weed. The extracts of fennel seeds can be also used to make a dip for the lamb relish.
Dumplings and patties: Dumplings and patties are largely eaten by many people in the world. Both of these dishes need stuffings. The stuffing is made by variable ingredients in different parts of the world. However, the usage of herbs is vital.
If you have no dill seeds or weeds, you can easily use the fennels for the stem or seed as a herb in the stuffing. To get the best results, you can either bring farm-fresh fennel stems or seeds from the market.
Biscuits: Dill seed biscuits are quite famous globally for their unique test. However, you can use fennel seeds for making them too. However, always maintain the right proportion when making the recipe as excess fennel seeds can result in your biscuits testing pungent.
People often replace both weed and seed of dill as it is comparatively expensive than its substitutes. Moreover, people choose other herbs if in case, the dill seeds or weeds are unavailable.
Among some leading dill weed and seed alternatives, fennel is largely accepted by people. It is due to the fennel’s multipurpose usage and extraordinary medicinal values, professional chefs also prefer including it in their recipes.
Apart from all other alternatives to dill seeds and leaves, fennel has a higher level of compatibility, that is, it easily enhances the test of any dish when added. You should try purchasing the best quality fennel seeds, stem, and fronds to get the best result.