Bird feeders can never get out of fashion. If you love birds then you definitely love bird feeders. It’s like these DIY bird feeders are not only meant for the birds but also for all the curious bird-watchers and photographers. Any garden looks incomplete without birds. That squeaky sound of the birds and their cheerful chirpiness makes the garden more lively and life-like. It’s like they introduce life into the garden. The plants can’t talk but with birds in the background, these plants can get great company to chat and have fun.
So, if you love birds and want to see them accumulating in your garden they you got to buy or DIY these bird feeders. The best part about these bird feeders is that you can choose your pick according to your choice. And, no matter how they look, it will definitely attract birds for all the good reasons and you can capture those stunning photographs of the birds.

Why do you need to adopt a Bird Feeder?
Well it’s completely your choice to adopt a feeder or not but here I am going to tell you how adopting a feeder can change your life. A feeder will act as a continuous source of food for the birds. You’re in short doing well to the nature. And, as they say – ‘what you sow so shall you reap’, you will reap multifold through these adorable and cute birdfeeders. You are participating in nature and connecting with nature on a day-to-day basis.
How can you Attract Birds to the Feeder?
Getting birds of different species to these feeders takes time. Experts suggest that you spread the seeds around or near the feeder. They say that birds take a little time to get accustomed to the new place so you got to be patient. Also, placing a birdbath near the feeder can make the birds drink water along while they are having their food. Don’t forget to keep your bird feeder in a place that can be seen by the birds and also make sure that there is a place to perch for the bird.
Why should you feed birds?
These days the food scenes for birds have become really grim. The farms are littered with insecticides and pesticides and these birds face a lot of problems having their food. Giving food to birds will help you connect to God and nature. You can always gift these to kids or people who love birds.
Homemade DIY Bird Feeder
1. Bird feeder From Glass Shades. Pic source

2. Birdfeeders from Recycled Products. Pic source

3. Cardboard Tube Bird Feeder. Pic source

4. Cookie Cutter Feeders. Pic source

5. Egg Carton Bird Feeder. Pic source

6. Homemade Birdseed Wreath. Pic source

7. Leather Stringed Bird Feeder. Pic source

8. Mason Jar Feeders. Pic source

9. Milk Carton Feeder. Pic source

10. Monogramed Jar Feeder. Pic source

11. Open Bar Feeder. Pic source

12. Orange Cup Bird feeders. Pic source

13. Paper Plate Bird Feeder. Pic source

14. Plastic Egg DIY Bird Feeders. Pic source

15. Sisal Rope Feeder. Pic source

16. Tin Can Flower DIY Bird Feeders. Pic source

17. Window Bird feeder. Pic source