At this age of digitization, social media and full schedules, boredom is something that seems impossible to most people. However, you can only enjoy the usual things that you do for so long. Even the very enjoyable ones can turn boring one time or the other. These are the times that you literally feel the minutes dragging for hours on end, energies draining and motivation dwindling.

Don’t let such a time go to waste. You can still redeem it, use it productively, and still have fun while at it. Here are 8 activities that you can do to kill boredom.
Kill Boredom Fun and Productive Activities
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#1 Take care of indoor plants
Taking care of a plant instills a sense of accomplishment. The very act of planting a seedling, caring for it until it blooms to a fully-grown plant can be very fulfilling. Get some plants that you can relate to. You will be surprised by how much fun you are going to have nurturing them. Besides, indoor plants help in removing toxins in the air, thus allowing clean air to breathe. In addition, being around greenery helps calm down the mind and relieves stress. Furthermore, they make a cozy addition to any room.

If you have no sufficient natural light indoors, you can always supplement it with LED Grow Light. This one is made with all plants’ lighting needs in mind; your plants will thrive as though they are outside growing under the sun.
#2 Read/listen to a book
Books have a good way of evoking our imagination and working the mind, which in turn improves our creativity. In addition, they help build vocabulary and increase our knowledge. Reach out for a book the next time you get bored and prepare yourself to learn. If reading is not your thing, get an audio version of it and listen away.

#3 Keep a journal
Journaling provides a way of expressing your thoughts or jotting down your life experiences as you reminisce on your journey. Everyone has a story to tell, and there are curious ears out there waiting to listen. You can turn your journals to blog posts that you can share on your social media pages. Who knows, your blog could as well start paying you at some point.

#4 Solve puzzles
Figuring out a puzzle up to the last piece has a way of making you feel accomplished. In addition, it works the mind, setting you up for better problem solving and creativity. Challenge your mind to a puzzle when you run out of things to do. To make it fun, turn it into a competition with your family or friends.

#5 Learn a new language
The world is slowly becoming a small global village with technology. You might as well want to relate with more people by learning a new language. You will find it exciting as you learn new words each day and start forming some sentences.
#6 Paint the walls
If you have been planning to repaint your walls, you don’t need a contractor to get that job done for you. You can kill your boredom with a brush and paint as you bring out your creativity on the walls. Start choosing the colors that you want and purchase the supplies. Your walls will appreciate the new coat of paint done by you.
#7 Tour the world virtually
Travelling the world is always exciting. Unfortunately, it’s not all the time that you get the opportunity to get on a plane and travel to your favorite destination. However, that is not to say that you should give up on your dream all together. Take yourself on a virtual tour around the world on Google earth. Learn about the people, the culture and the food at the comfort of your desk. To make that as real as possible and not let any noise distract you, make sure you also soundproof your room. This will enable you to dive into the world of virtual reality.

#8 Start a challenge on social media
You have probably seen some challenges on social media, and maybe have participated in one. How about starting one to bring your loved ones together? You can start a pushup challenge to raise awareness on a certain topic. You will find it exciting as more and more people join, and as you read the conversation that it has sparked. In addition, you will feel accomplished that you started something that ended up successful.
There you have it, when you have run out of things to do, your time doesn’t have to turn into boredom. Pick one of the above activities and get started. You will appreciate that you were able to use that time constructively.