Face Piercings help a woman to make a unique style statement and attract glares, both envious and admiring. Facial piercings are the in-vogue trend now that can boost your appearance appreciably making you look smart and trendy. Use proper eye makeup for a more glamorous look. No matter what age you are, if you wish to experiment with your looks, facial piercings are the right thing for you to do. Moreover, American guys like girls with different types of piercings. Thus, you have good reasons to have your face pierced and flaunt the trendiest piece of jewelry.
How Are Facial Piercings Perceived by Others?
Facial piercings have been influenced by the Asian and the African cultures. People in our society have a positive perception of facial piercings. For instance, women with these types of piercings are considered to be more attractive.
Different Types of Face Piercings
- Anti-Eyebrow Piercing: This type of piercing is done just above or below the eyebrows. It is done with the minute surface bar.
- Bridge Piercing: This piercing is done through the nose bridge between the wearer’s eyes.
- Cheek Piercing: This is a common type of facial piercing that is done through the wearer’s cheeks.
- Eyebrow Piercing: This vertical facial piercing includes a 12 to 18-gauge needle that is inserted through the bottom layer of the eyebrows and exits through its top layer to allow the insertion of a piece of jewelry.
- Jestrum Piercing: This upper lip piercing, even called the vertical medusa is a piercing placed in the upper lip philtrum directly below the nasal septum.
- Lip Piercing: This type of piercing can be subdivided into labret, lip, and lip plate piercings.
- Monroe Piercing: This is a unique type of lip piercing that is placed above the upper lip off-center on the left side. This piercing has been inspired by the classic beauty spot of Marilyn Monroe. There is a similar Madonna piercing, which is done on the right side.
- Nose Piercing: It is a cartilage or skin piercing done for wearing jewelry.
- Philtrum Piercing: This piercing is done through the upper lip directly below the septum of your nose.
- Tongue Frenulum Piercing: This piercing is done through the frenulum linguae of the tongue below it.
Make an exclusive style statement with quirky face piercings.
1. Nose Piercing Unique Style with Arrow Jewelry

2. Perfect Multiple Piercings on the Face

3. Pretty Cute Cheek Piercing

4. Purple Stone Floral Nose Piercing

5. Unique Lip Piercing

6. Tiny Simple Stone Jewelery

7. Three Stoned Cupids Bow Piercing

8. Stylish Stone Lip Piercings

9. Sterling Silver Septum Piercing

10. Snakebites Piercing for Women

11. Septum Piercing Minimal Designer

12. Ravishing Spider bite Piercing

13. Attention Grabbing Lip Piercing Jewelry

14. Attractive Purple Stone Philtrum Piercing

15. Awesome Alternative Chic Snakebite Piercing

16. Blue Stone Simple Nose Piercing

17. Floral Cute Philtrum Piercings

18. Eye-catching Snake bite Piercing

19. Double Nose Piercings

20. Dimple Fresh Cheek Piercings

21. Diamond Cupids Bow Jewel

22. Cute Girl Dimple Piercing

23. Cupids Bow Piercing and Septum

24. Bold and Beautiful Snakebite Piercing

25. Glam Looking Women Philtrum Piercing

26. Golden Geometric Septum Piercing

27. Gorgeous Stone Septum Piercing

28. Gothic Women Snakebite Piercing

29. Half Septum Titanium Piercing

30. Industrial Blue Silver Lip Piercing

31. Nose Piercing Turquoise Jewelry

32. Nice Women Septum Piercing

33. Multiple Unique Face Piercings

34. Multi Piercing Silver Women

35. Lower Lip Upper Monroe Piercing

36. Lovely Nose Piercing Rainbow Holographic

37. Innovative Nose Piercing Women

pic source: pinterest.com