We are not living in Victorian times anymore. We are living in the 21st century. Today we value women and respect them just the way we respect Men. Nowadays, we don’t think boys and girls are different.
We think that all of us are equal and there should be no differences between us. This kind of attitude brings equality in our society and we begin to value each other for who we are and for not who we were or who we were supposed to be.
These days women are just as powerful as men. We are not living in a male chauvinist era where men would get all the preferences and women would get what is left. We have moved ahead of those times when women used to suffer and sacrifice because of men.
Today, it's not that we want men to suffer. But, we want both of us to thrive in the present-day reality. These empowering quotes about women are going to motivate you to come forward and feel equal to your sibling or your guy friends.
So, let’s quickly check them out here.
Empowering Quotes about Women