Easter is one of the most exciting times of the year. Easter is a very important festival for Christians. While some call it Passover, it is mostly celebrated as Easter around the world. And I think although it’s not as celebrated as Christmas, in Christianity, it has more significance than Christmas. And that’s because it’s the celebration of faith and hope.

Easter is a time of immense optimism and hope. It’s also a time of spirituality. Also, since this is the first long break of the year, it calls for some celebrations. A great way to celebrate Easter is to indulge in some Easter crafts. You can make these crafts along with your kids and also spend some quality time with them.
What is Egg Carton DIY?
So, you have learned that Easter and Eggs are symbolic of new beginnings. So, here’s a classic crafting idea. You can get those unused Egg Cartons and get to crafting with it. You can do so many Egg Carton crafts that the list is really endless. From Egg carton bunnies to egg carton chicks to Egg carton Lambs, there’s a plethora of Easter Crafts you can make with these unused items.
How to do Egg Carton DIY for Easter?
- First of all you need to cut the egg compartments.
- Now once you have cut out two of them, stick it together with masking tape.
- Now, you can paint it up in Easter colors like Pink or Yellow or Purple.
- Next, you can allow it to dry.
- Once it dries up you can paste in a Pom Pom of the same color for the nose.
- You can stick googly eyes for the eyes of your bunny
- You can cut Bunny Shaped Ears and stick it on to the Egg Carton Bunny.
- So, this is how you can make really easy and cute Egg Carton Bunny.
You can also use Egg carton for making Easter egg craft or Easter chicks. You can fill these with egg shaped chocolates and treats and then put it in the Easter basket. So, check out more ideas below.
To view the full instructions for any of these DIY egg carton, please follow the link above the picture.
Egg Carton DIY for Easter
1. 3D Egg Carton Flower Art. Get more details at modpodgerocksblog.com
The egg carton can be used to make something wonderful and pretty for decorating your kid's room. They will be happy to help you adorn the house and the craft techniques are easy and simple for you to make. You can shape the egg cartons into individual flowers that are colourful and vibrant to enhance the beauty of the floral arrangements on the board. The egg cartons are brilliant and a great choice of craft ideas to adorn your room with elegance and creativity.

2. Chick and Bunny Egg Carton Egg Holders. Get more details at momtastic.com
Here is another fantastic arrangement that you can make for impressing your kids who will love to look at it and even help you out while getting the object ready. The holders can be shaped in different forms and vibrant shades can be added to enhance the beauty of the craft idea. The chick and bunny egg carton egg holders are awesome for you to look at and do not require much time or effort for you to get it done with perfection.

3. Colorful Jellyfish. Get more details at craftsbyamanda.com
The colourful jellyfish is another fantastic creation that you can initiate with the egg cartons. All you need is a pair of scissors and colours to make these wall hangings that look so amazing. The colourful jellyfish is beautiful and good for you to hang from the ceiling and mesmerised.

4. Deviled Eggs Holder Or Serving Plate. Get more details at udisglutenfree.com
You may use the deviled egg holders as a multipurpose kit which is good for you to store the eggs magnificently or use it as a serving plate to display the eggs marvellously. The deviled egg holders and serving plates require little expertise for you to get it done and you will not be able to stop yourself from praising this elegant piece of creation. The deviled egg holders or serving plates are one of the simple ways of converting the plain egg cartons to something useful.

5. Dressed Up Egg Carton. Get more details at voneinspired.com
You should go for the marvellous egg cartons which are brilliant and one of the best choices of art and craft ideas if you are aiming for making your refrigerator look more flawless and pretty. The boring egg cartons can be turned into something so wonderful like this where you will be able to use colourful chart papers and cut them in the shape of the grasses while the eggs are placed in the centre.

6. Easter Checkers. Get more details at tonyastaab.com
Here is another fantastic thing that you can make with your easter checkers to make it look more brilliant and amazing for you to look at. The easter checkers are decorated on a plate and the cartons are shaped into individual cubes with cute bunny faces to decorate the entire arrangement. You will simply marvel at this brilliant creation that is fascinating and one of the best choices of craft ideas.

7. Egg Carton Bird Feeder. Get more details at thecreativecubby.blogspot.com
Egg carton bird feeder is another marvellous creation from the egg cartons that make your home look more organised and functional. The egg carton bird feeders are amazing and one of the best things you can make with the leftover cartons. Since the cartons are light and easy for you to hang you can simply anchor them to the rope and your job will be done. Use some bright colours to make it more vibrant.

8. Egg Carton Bouquet. Get more details at intimateweddings.com
The egg carton bouquets are also marvellous and you could hardly imagine that something so special can be created with them. The cartons are cut into cubes and you prepare the bouquet with different colours and use beads to decorate the bouquet with perfection. The egg carton bouquet is brilliant and a great choice of craft ideas that you can create with the waste paper cartons and turn them into something so useful.

9. Egg Carton Bunny. Get more details at redtedart.com
The egg carton bunnies are fascinating and one of the easiest to make and all you get to gather is paint and glue. Stick the two eyes and draw a smile on the marker over the beautifully painted carton pieces and they will be so ideal for you to decorate your home with perfection and beauty. The cute egg carton bunnies are easy for you to make and do not require much time or effort for you to get it done and ready for adorning your tables.

10. Egg Carton Rooster. Get more details at icreativeideas.com
The egg carton rooster is wonderful and one of the best looking items that you can create with pieces of cartons of eggs cut into shape to make the feathers of the rooster and give it a figure. The egg carton rooster is brilliant and a great choice of craft ideas that makes your garden look more elegant and impresses the guests with your creative skills.

11. Egg Carton Sewing Box. Get more details at trulymyrtle.com
The egg carton sewing box is a brilliant way to store your needles without the fear of losing them. The egg carton sewing box is beautiful and you need to use your imagination and colours to get this one done with perfection and excellence. The egg carton sewing box is pretty and a great choice of craft ideas that you can create with your egg cartons that are lying around just like that in the kitchen.

12. Great Packaging For Giving Half A Dozen Cupcakes. Get more details at eighteen25.blogspot.ca
So if you are looking for ideas to deliver your cupcake package or it is a gift to your loved ones, the cupcakes packed in the egg cartons look adorable for you to offer to your friends. The cupcake cartons can be decorated beautifully with colours and cubes to decorate the piece wonderfully for its beauty. The egg cartons can be modified into something so brilliant like this and it will be beyond your imagination how wonderful the arrangement can look.

13. Painted And Goodie Filled Egg Cartons. Get more details at designmom.com
This is another way of using your egg cartons magnificently as you will be able to decorate the boxes brilliantly. The painted and goodie filled egg cartons look marvellous and one of the best looking craft ideas that you can use to decorate your home. Small candies and toys can be displayed in the box that is colourfully painted to create patterns of different shapes and colours.

14. Ring Holder Made From A Recycled Egg Carton. Get more details at merrimentdesign.com
The ring holder made from a recycled egg carton is another way of using the spare egg cartons at your home. It looks quite elegant and is a great way to present your jewellery on the table without the fear of misplacing it. The rings can be kept on the holder and you can colour the carton holder with warm pastel shades to enhance the beauty of the holder.

15. Storage Solution For Tiny Objects. Get more details at disdressed.blogspot.com
The storage solution for tiny objects is an effective way to make sure that you do not lose the objects that are important but small and lie around in your home without finding a proper storage place. The storage solution for tiny objects is an entire plate that can be coloured and the objects that you fear losing can be stored on the carton and next time you go around looking for it you will have no trouble locating them.

16. Sweet Springtime Baskets. Get more details at stampington.com
The sweet springtime basket is brilliant marvellous and a great choice of craft that is wonderful for you to make. The sweet springtime basket is pretty and a great choice of craft that is useful for you to present to your friends and family as a handmade craft idea. You can place small candies in the basket to enhance the beauty of the item and offer treats to your little ones.

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