Mehmet Oz once quoted ‘ Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger.’ Our lifestyles and ways of living supervise our life in a broader perspective. Our way of living our life shows us how much it matters to us and our way of presuming life. Lifestyles play a vital role in our lives. A lifestyle can cause major changes in our lives. Lifestyles have a great influence on our life and it leads us towards a better and healthy life. Health is very precious for us. Being healthy is very important to be successful, may it be physical or mental health.
We should inculcate good and healthy habits in our daily lives to have a healthy and fit life. There are many things that influence our well being and good health like exercise, meditation and drinking water. Drinking water is one of the habits that influence our health and well-being the most. It helps us to stay fit and healthy. Water itself has many health benefits. Drinking water daily helps us to stay hydrated and calm. Our body is almost full of water and liquid. Drinking water on a daily basis promotes good health and other health related advantages. We should always keep our body hydrated to be healthy. It is advised to have at least 2-3 liters which may vary in some cases, but this should be the minimum amount of water that we consume.

Drinking water everyday on a regular basis helps us to keep your body working effectively and perfectly. Everyone should have a proper schedule for monitoring the amount of water consumed and when it is consumed. It helps us to know how hydrated we are. We should have some fixed timing for drinking water like having a glass or two after and before going to bed, before every meal and after any physical activity and basically any time of the day.
Drinking water cannot be avoided for any circumstances, we can go days without food but we can only go barely hours without water. It is a very important and crucial part of our life and our health. Drinking water has many scientifically proven literally and advantages that are even hard to count.
1. Advantages Of Drinking Water-
We couldn't imagine how many health benefits a single glass of water could provide. Water is a necessity that humans cannot live without. It benefits us in a variety of ways throughout our lives. It is critical for our bodies to consume adequate amounts of water in order to be healthy. It provides us with numerous health benefits, including:
2. Hydrated Body-
Our body has to be hydrated all the time. It keeps our body hydrated and helps our body to avoid dehydration.
3. Body Function-
Water helps us to keep our body active and monitors the functioning of all our body organs avoiding any health issues. It helps to keep our body in a good shape.
4. Glowing Skin-
Drinking water reduces our skin problems and give us a glowing, bright and beautiful skin with no skin abnormalities without undergoing any treatment.
5. Release Of Toxics-
Water helps us to get rid of all our waste products. It Helps to remove all the toxic substances from our body through sweat, precipitation and Urination.

6. Thermoregulation And Osmoregulation -
Drinking an ample amount of water to maintain the proper body temperature and regulates it whenever needed. It also maintains a proper fluid electrolyte balance in our body which is very important for the functioning of the body.
7. Good Digestion-
Water helps us to clear our digestion and avoid any digestive related problems. It helps our digestive system to be healthy and be active. It helps in digestion and avoids problems related to digestion like constipation, vomiting etc.
8. Improves Energy And Mood-
It helps to boost our energy as drinking water helps us to be more active, it also improves our mood and helps us to be in a good mood.

9. Body Weight-
It helps us to be in a proper weight, not under or overweight. If overweight, it helps to lose weight and maintain a proper body weight. It also increases the nutrient content of the body and increases the vitamin and minerals of our body.
These are the few of the many advantages that water gives and if we consume water everyday it can help us get rid of any health problems and issues. It helps us to have a healthy and better life which is very important because healthy life also promotes happiness and peace. So, try more and more to drink an ample amount of water everyday so that you can get all the health benefits and advantages.