Scientifically proven, our body is made up of 70% of water. Water is one of the 5 elements that hold this world together. We have been listening to the slogan 'Water is life' from our childhood. It is because it is very important to sustain life. Water is the most essential element of our environment. It is just a normal fluid without any taste or smell but adds great value to our lives.
Water is like a necessity for a life. We can go days without food, but not without water. Water keeps us alive. Water comprises many essential components that help us to have a healthy and positive life. Water is something that cannot be taken or replaced from our world. It is the main source of life. Water adds health and well-being content to our lives. Drinking water has an affirmative effect on both our physical and mental health.

Stay Hydrated and Healthy: A Reminder to Drink Water
Drinking a proper amount of water daily, on a regular basis is very important for our body to stay healthy and fit. It has, not just one or two but so many benefits to make our life better in terms of health and well-being.
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1. Advantages Of Drinking Water
One glass of water gives us so many health benefits that we couldn't even imagine. Water is something we cannot just go without. It helps us in so many ways throughout our life. Drinking water in an appropriate quantity is very important for our body to stay healthy. It gives us plenty of health benefits like-
- It keeps our body hydrated and helps our body to avoid dehydration which could lead to fainting and loss of excess fluids can be fatal for our body.
- Maintains the proper body temperature and regulates it whenever needed.
- Helps to remove all the toxic substances from our body through sweat, precipitation and Urination.
- Helps to maintain the proper fluid electrolyte balance in our body which is very important for the functioning of the body.
- Drinking plenty of water helps to create more saliva, which helps in our digestion.
- It helped to boost our energy and increase our physical capacity to do more tedious physical work.
- It helps in digestion and avoids problems related to digestion like constipation, vomiting etc.
- Helps to lose weight and maintain proper body weight.
- Increases the nutrient content of the body and increases the vitaminss and minerals of our body.
- Provides us a glowing, healthy skin without any abnormalities.
- Being hydrated helps us to keep our mood always good and healthy.
These are a few of the many advantages that water gives and keep our body fit and fine. We should always keep our bodies hydrated to be healthy. It is advised to have at least 2-3 liters of water every day to keep your body working effectively and perfectly. But due to all the stress and work, we sometimes get so engulfed that we forget to drink water for hours until we feel very thirsty. But that is something we should always avoid. We should drink water at regular intervals of time. To stay hydrated, you should carry a water bottle with you. Here are some tips so that you can stay hydrated all day and do not forget to drink water.
2. Exercise -
Doing a lot of physical activity and exercise releases a lot of fluid from our body in the form of sweat and precipitation. Being involved in physical activities makes us thirsty and we can consume an ample amount of water after that.

3. Water Alarms-
Every time in our lives now revolves around technology. So we should take proper benefits of them. There are many apps for you to remind you to drink water if you're engrossed in your work or studies. It helps us focus on our work and drink water to keep our body hydrated.
4. Set Goals-
Setting goals helps us to be motivated to achieve them. Setting goals daily to drink an appropriate number of glasses of water that will help you to stay hydrated can be a very essential way to keep you hydrated throughout the day. W by setting a goal you drink that many glasses of water every day without fail.
5. Experimenting-
Experimenting with water by adding your favourite flavours to it like fruit, mint, etc helps us to make it quite interesting and helps us to drink it without fail.

6. Fluid In Food -
There are many food substances that contain elements that increase the fluid content of the body. Foods such as watermelon, lettuce, cucumber, Cabbage etc. These food items contain high fluid content and vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote our overall health.
7. Reusable Water Bottle-
Carrying a water bottle everywhere is considered to be a good habit. In such a manner you can have water in proper intervals of time by sipping through the water bottle because carrying a water bottle always reminds you to have water.

8. Fixed Schedules-
Fixing regular schedules to drink water everyday can turn into a habit and you will always be reminded to drink water that time. Some of the specific schedules to drink water are like drinking one glass before bed and drinking one glass before any meal. It helps to inculcate drinking water in our routine and stay hydrated.
Drinking plenty of water is something very important and essential as breathing, it is natural and we can't deny it. So, in order to overcome all our health issues and live a healthy and fit life.