The DIY potting bench is the handiest tool for a gardener. If you garden you know how much toil it is to get your seedlings and your tools again and again. Organizing them is another major concern. But, if I told you that you could use a potting table to do all that wouldn’t you be happy? I am sure you would.

After all who doesn’t like a little help and when that help comes as something attractive that you can show off to your friends, and then I cannot think of a reason for you to not want it. But, I know what you are thinking. If money is a concern for you then that is great.
Best DIY Potting Bench Ideas
#1. Fence Board Potting Bench:
This budget-friendly DIY Potting Bench can be the perfect gift you can gift a person who is looking to decorate his or her home. It’s absolutely easy to make and requires you to make a medium-sized box with a fence board behind it.
#2. DIY Potting bench created via Sink:
Ever thought that you could use your sink to create an attractive and useful potting bench? If not then allow me to feed it to your imagination. With this unique DIY Potting bench, you get to use water right away and forget spending your energy carrying water from here and there.
#3. Inexpensive and Functional Potting Bench:
If you are just not interested in spending money, you can make this simple but truly functional potting bench. I think this is the simplest of all and won’t cost you much.
#4. Beautifully Decorated Potting Bench:
If you are interested in making a beautiful potting bench then I suggest going for this attractive decorative roof potting bench. This can genuinely make your friends jealous and is the perfect thing to show off.
You can DIY a Potting bench that looks the same oh sorry! Even better than the one you can buy. Isn’t this great? Gifting you the most useful gift that doesn’t want you to spend much? You can also gift it to your Mom or Dad as they would love this.
So, let me help you with the DIY Potting bench ideas that you can use.
DIY Potting Bench Ideas for Your Garden
1. An old dresser into a potting table.

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2. Budget-friendly DIY potting bench.

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3. Build a DIY potting bench from scratch.

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4. DIY potting bench from an old dresser.

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5. DIY potting bench with decorative roof.

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6. DIY potting stand from an old washtub.

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7. Farmhouse-style DIY potting bench.

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8. Garden work bench idea.

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9. Lovin’ on this potting bench.

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10. Old metal desk from the thrift store.

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11. Potting bench with a sink.

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12. Really a cool potting table project.

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13. Substantial potting table.

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14. Up-cycled desk and old bookcase.

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