When kids are in college they are often running low on cash and managing on mess food without much hope for a change. This is when a college care pack is going to help them out. Kids in college are generally away from their home and family. It is now that they think about home and all the freedom and amenities which they used to get from home. They are out there in a world which is extremely harsh and cruel all by their own. Though they may talk to you on phone or may converse with you face to face through a video chat, but they might skilfully hide what they are going through.
College students are in their early adulthood and this is the time when life rocks the boat. This is the time when kids are on the verge of breaking down either emotionally or financially. Hence sending them a college care package sounds amazing. It is the best thing they could have ever asked for. It will tell them how much you care about them at a time when they are all alone, surrounded in a city far away from home. They will cherish the package and feel like they have your love with them even though they are away.
These college care packages can be ordered online or made at home. But in both the cases, they look simply amazing. Here I have collected all the best college care package ideas which you must see.
First I have discussed the best packages and then I have moved on the entire collection.
Best college care package ideas
- A box of Smiley: A smiley face has that irrestible quality about them which can make any heart smile. When you get that from your family, you want to do nothing but keeping smiling while looking at it all day. You can make it by packing smiley faced pillows or wrist bands or mugs, etc.
- Things Men need: Since your kiddo has grown up to be a man, it is time that you give him something he would need. So, get a box which contains all the needs of a man, such as the men perfume, shaving foam, razors, etc.
To view the full instructions for any of these collage care package, please follow the link above the picture.
Here I have collected more such interesting ideas which you have to see.
Best College Care Packages
“Box of Sunshine” to Brighten someone’s day. Pic Source & Instruction: creativejuicesdecor
Blind You With My Love. Pic Source & Instruction: elizabethdoodah.blogspot.sg
Creative Care Package for First Week of College. Pic Source & Instruction: celebrate-always.com
Distance isn’t a problem, just an inconvenience. Pic Source & Instruction: hative.com
DIY Athlete College Care Package With Free Printable Tag. Pic Source & Instruction: culdesaccool.com
Energy In A Jar Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: healthycoconutblog.com
Holiday College Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: instagram.com
Home is where the heart is. Pic Source & Instruction: mysilentranks.blogspot.sg
I Miss You a Monstrous Amount Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: instagram.com
Ice Cream Sundae in a Box. Pic Source & Instruction: smashedpeasandcarrots
Inspirational College Care Package Box. Pic Source & Instruction: hative.com
M&M’s and Money College Care Packages. Pic Source & Instruction: onehundreddollarsamonth.com
Money in a Chocolate Box. Pic Source & Instruction: lifeasmom.com
Movie Night College Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: pinterest.com
Pinking Of You Care Package For Girls. Pic Source & Instruction: pinterest.com
Pre-Deployment Pill Boxe Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: theyoungretiree.com
Rise and Shine Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: singingthroughtherain.net
Sorry I’m Cheesy. Pic Source & Instruction: pinterest.com
The First Day College Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: instagram.com
Toiletry Care Package. Pic Source & Instruction: pinterest.com
Use an empty egg carton as a container for treats. Pic Source & Instruction: thecraftingchicks.com
You Mean The World To Me. Pic Source & Instruction: signs.com
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Hopefully you were able to get a bit of inspiration from this list..
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