Usually, the bow is not depicted separately from the arrows, since the two objects only make sense together. And if we can still imagine an arrow as a symbol of forward orientation or something fast and sophisticated, then a bow without the weapons themselves looks a little naked. Initially, the bow tattoo bore the meaning of belligerence, served as a symbol of masculinity, and could be a reference to the type of human activity, which in one way or another relates to struggle, and battles.

Now the meaning of a bow tattoo has changed somewhat, but all the meanings in the present have grown from the original. Want to know more about the meaning of it for men and women with some wonderful images on the internet? Keep on reading!
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A bow tattoo can have different symbolic meanings. On the one hand, these are some obstacles, perhaps even misfortunes that a person has endured. If you attach such importance, then the onions are stuffed by those who have experienced something in their lives, then left a certain imprint, and a person wants to leave these memories in a material form.
On the other hand, it is a desire for something new, similar to the fast and purposeful flight of an arrow. The bow tattoo can both characterize a person at the moment and his desire to change and transform.
If we turn to the history of this symbol, then in Ancient Greece, bows and arrows were given to the family at the birth of a son, thereby prophesying to him the fate of a great warrior, for whom there are no obstacles. The same meaning of the gift was accepted in Eastern culture, but the Hindus consider the bow to be a sign of misfortune and misfortune, therefore, such weapons were usually not presented. Thus you barely see them get a bow tattoo.
And if they did, it was definitely not with good intentions. It is also worth remembering that many Greek and Roman gods are depicted with bows and arrows. And if we are talking about the god of War, Ares, or the warlike Artemis, then, of course, the bow is a symbol of militancy and self-confidence, but another god, Eros, constantly walked with a bow and arrow. What a bow tattoo means always depends on what belief someone has.
This is a little god who helped people find their love. This interpretation is also found, it is used as an idea for a tattoo by people in love. Matching tattoos would be a good solution in this case. For example, one partner has a bow, the other has an arrow.
Also, with a bow and arrow, one of the signs of the zodiac is usually depicted - Sagittarius, so it is often Sagittarius who decides to decorate his body with a bow tattoo. Sagittarius is a fire sign according to the eastern horoscope, that is, such people are distinguished by passion, a special desire to live in full force, to learn everything and try everything. Then the bow and arrows look very belligerent, sometimes they are depicted as flaming in fire or flying in the air, that is, in such a way that the currents of air that are cut by the arrow are noticeable.
The Meaning of Bow Tattoo Design for Men
Men sharply associate bows and arrows with the gods of love, but they rarely speak of their addiction to hunting for a bow tattoo. Most often, such an image on the body is chosen by representatives of the stronger sex, who are ready to overcome or have already overcome difficulties. Moreover, this meaning has a worthy explanation: not everyone who picks up a bow will be able to shoot an arrow from it.
To do this, you need to train for a long time - you need not only physical effort but also the ability to learn, to perform monotonous work for several hours. Just to pull the string, you need to exert considerable force. For this very reason, many men stuff a bow with a stretched bowstring but have not yet released an arrow as a bow tattoo- to show willpower, character, and the ability to set goals and achieve them, regardless of obstacles.
In general, we can say that the original meaning of the bow tattoo differs from the modern one, but, in fact, the changes are only superficial. In general, the bow and arrow depict strong people - moreover, we are not talking about physically strong, but strong in spirit, we can talk about both a girl and a man.
A stretched bowstring or a fired arrow is a symbol of the ability and desire to achieve everything in life on your own. Sometimes a bow tattoo is stuck by girls who hint at their femininity, that they were marked by Cupid - this way they show the seriousness of intentions, the desire to start a family, to equip the heart.
The Meaning of Bow Tattoo Design for Women
Girls usually stuff a bow and arrow to show their inner strength, the ability to fight and win, and finally, just their desire to go forward. But it doesn’t mean that a girl with a bow tattoo is aggressive. The movement of a straight arrow forward can be compared with a ray of the sun, therefore, if in the figure the arrow is already released from the bow and flies, then this is a symbol of confidence in one's plans, that no one can change the set goals and the ways to achieve them.
If the arrow has not yet been released, but only pulls the string, then the meaning is slightly transformed. Metaphorically, such a bow tattoo calls for the creation of new worlds, in practice, perhaps this is a girl with an inner core that cannot be broken, such a woman is ready to take on any responsibility and is ready to answer for all the consequences.
But the arrow and bow tattoos are not always a symbol of confidence and certain belligerence. If these objects are depicted in thin lines, from delicate flowers or beautiful tree branches, then, most likely, the girl hints at her readiness for a serious relationship or even family life. This is a reference to the arrows of Cupid or Eros.
In general, for girls, a bow tattoo is either a symbol of bondage with a person, a lover, or a desire to show oneself as having a strong personality.
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