One of the best approaches to reduce back pain and the risk of future back injuries is performing upper back exercises. There are many ways to build a strong back. One way is through the use of the back machine. This exercise is helpful for those who have a job that requires them to sit for long periods of time, such as a computer programmer, accountant, or editor.
Most of us remain glued to the laptop or smartphone screen for prolonged hours. The result? Slouched posture, back pains, neck strains, and greater vulnerability to back injuries. This is just the primary reason to include upper back exercises into your workout routine.
Another reason is, achieving the gorgeous V-shaped back. For that, you need to include both upper and lower back exercises.

Want a complete workout routine?
In this write-up, we’ve curated the best upper back exercises just for you. Combine 4 weight lifting exercises with two upper back bodyweight exercises for the ultimate back workout.
But before we move on to the exercise list, let’s understand the anatomy of our back and which exercises target what muscle groups. We promise to keep it simple and not too much of a “science affair”.
Back Musculature Explained
- The muscles constituting your shoulders and upper back is known as the trapezius. The trapezius muscle group is divided into 3 layers- upper, middle and lower.
- Underneath your trapezius lies the rhomboids.
- After that comes your latissimus dorsi, the widest back muscle.
- Underneath your shoulder blades, nestled between the rhomboids and latissimus dorsi, lies the teres major and minor and spinal erectors (infraspinatus) for additional spine support.
The various upper and lower back exercises target and strengthen these back muscles to achieve a strong back and good posture.
Body Weight Upper Back Exercises
Muscles targeted: Latissimus dorsi and trapezius.
You can perform either manual or machine-assisted pull-ups. A pull-up machine supports your body weight and improves your exercise stance.
To perform the manual pull-up, follow these steps;
- Use an overhand grip and grab a pull-up bar. Now position your hands shoulder-width apart.
- Now, work against your body weight and pull yourself up while keeping the back straight.
Muscles targeted: Lower and upper body exercises target upper and lower back core muscles, glutes, and hamstrings.

How to do Superman:
- Lie down in a prone position (your face turning towards the ground)
- Keep your arms and legs stretched outwards
- Now, try keeping your abdomen and lower back touched to the ground and lift up your head, arms, legs and upper back.
- Hold this u-shaped position for at least 3 to 5 seconds
- Come back to the starting position and lift again.
Upper Body Exercises With Free Weight
Dumbbell Shrugs
Muscles Targeted: Trapezius muscles
How to do dumbbell shrugs:
- Lift up a dumbbell in each hand.
- Position your feet shoulder-width apart
- Make your palms face the sides
- Now, bend your knees at a mild angle
- Now, bring pull up your shoulder blades as high as possible
- Perform this exercise slowly for an increased burn
- Lower down your shoulders blades and repeat again
Dumbbell Reverse Fly
Muscles targeted: Trapezius muscles and deltoids.
Follow the below steps for performing this upper body exercise:
- Take dumbbells in each hand.
- Stand position your legs shoulder-width apart. Place your chest parallel to the floor by hinging at your hips
- Now, squeeze your shoulder muscles and raise your arms.
- Slightly bend your elbows.
- Now, lower your dumbbells and come back to the starting position.
Back Twist
Muscles targeted: Latissimus dorsi and trapezius.
For optimum results, use a spine exerciser to perform this exercise.
- Stand straight. Keep your feet apart at shoulder-width.
- Now start twisting your body on one side. With a spine exerciser, you can add resistance to this movement, thus ensuring better muscle involvement.
- Maintain a slow yet steady motion as you twist your body as much as possible.
- Now gently come back to the starting position and twist in the opposite direction.
- Avoid any jerky movements while rotating and twisting your body.
Back Arch
Muscles targeted: One of the best lower body exercises target the entire lower body muscles and the vertebral supportive musculature.
Again for optimum results and introduce resistance, you can use a spine exerciser of SpineGym.
- Stand straight with your feet apart at shoulder-width.
- Keep your arms at 90 degrees angle from your chest.
- Now slightly push your pelvis forward and pull your arm backwards to form an arch.
- Contract your core muscles throughout the motion.
Why Do You Need Upper Back Exercises?
A strong back is an indicator of an active lifestyle and strong heath.
Upper back exercises help enhance your stability and balance, allowing active movement. A strong back is excellent for supporting other exercise stances. There’s less chance of getting injured.
Therefore, these upper back exercises can be performed twice a week.
A healthy back translates into good posture.