It is exciting to have children but at the same time is challenging to raise them. It is a job that necessitates working 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every parent wishes to raise their children in the way they see fit. However, children are drawn to computers, tablets, and mobile phones in this digital age. Another reason for the children's preference for digital devices is that they have observed their parents tapping on their laptops and phones, which triggered the desire in the children. Keeping children away from screens is easier said than done.
From the social and communication point of view, information technology has revolutionized the lives of individuals. On the other hand, it has slowly but steadily undermined the old way of life. While it is necessary to keep up with the current world, it is also important to respect the traditions of one's family.
Today's children are unfamiliar with traditional games due to their preoccupation with the digital world. Using gadgets has some advantages, but it also has some drawbacks. The only thing that parents need is to limit the time for using these gadgets. An article published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, titled Media and Young Minds, suggests that children aged 2-5 years are recommended to use electronic gadgets no more than one hour per day.

Since gadgets are unavoidable in today's digital world, let's talk about some of the gadgets that will develop a child's personality and make parents less worried.
Here is the list of 7 gadgets for kids and their parents.
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1. Kindle Kids
Although it is not a substitute for books, it can engage a child who loves to read. Since it is difficult to divert your child's attention from the screen, it is a perfect solution to minimize screen time for school-age children. With this device, a child can carry many books and read them on the go. It is designed for reading only. So, there are no games, ads, or any other distractions. It comes with speakers and Bluetooth headphones to listen to your stories. It has built-in parental controls which allow you to choose content for your kids. Kindle is one of the best devices on this list as well.
2. 3Doodler (3D Pen)
This 3d pen squeezes out hot plastic from its nib. It is an innovative gadget that can draw almost any 3d model. Be it shapes, figurines, art, and wearables; you can draw almost anything with this pen. You can draw whatever you want. It travels directly from your brain to your hand, and children can use this gadget for DIY projects and school projects.
3. Animal Island Learning Adventure (AILA)
It is not just a toy but a virtual pre-school system. This device is embedded with a pre-school curriculum that consists of alphabets, phonics, numbers, shapes, colors, etc. Animal Island Learning Adventure (AILA) contains a lot of music and stories. It is a true learning gizmo for toddlers. It reads and reacts to your child's reaction to adapt future lesson plans. For parents who are worried about their kids' screen time, this device lends a hand to parents for enriching a good screen time.
4. Osmo – Creative Starter Kit
Another useful gadget is the Osmo Creative Kit. This device brings out the artist in your child, and it is a drawing-based device attached to an iPad with a creative tablet to draw. The drawing made on the tablet comes alive on the iPad screen. It is interactive and motivates children to draw out their imagination. It is a perfect gadget for children to learn drawing and doodling.
5. Sphero Mini
Sphero Mini is a ball. But not just an ordinary ball, it is a programmable mini-robot in the shape of a ball. It has motors, LED lights and a gyroscope. It is an interactive robot with much fun STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). So if your child is a tech lover, and you want him to excel in the field of technology, this device is for your child. Its size is equal to a ping-pong ball. There are loads of different activities. You can play games on your mobile phone using this device.
6. Holy Stone Mini Drone
Holy Stone Mini Drone is a small size quad-copter for kids. It comes in a very small use. The wind might blow it away if you fly it outside. Your child can enjoy the flight if it is flown inside the house. It is for kids interested in drones and other flying objects. This device is only for fun, and kids can enjoy its ability to hover, flip, and land. This remote-controlled device makes it even better to enjoy the flight.
7. VTechKidiZoom SmartWatch
Finally, VTechKidiZoom SmartWatch is an amazing gadget to conclude our list. However, it looks like an adult watch specifically designed for kids. Children can learn different time concepts with 55+ digital and analog watch faces. With built-in two cameras, your kid can take selfies and pictures and make videos. It has a motion sensor and built-in games to keep you entertained during your free time. An alarm clock and a calendar are included with this smartwatch. It offers a parental gaming control feature with no Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection. So, no need to worry about the content. It has a pedometer as well, which tracks down the steps.
It is a known fact that life becomes stagnant, if not impossible, without technology. With the development of technology, parents are concerned for their kids. Do they know what kind of gadgets should be allowed to their kids? How much screen time is permissible? And what impacts will it have on their kids? Now, all these questions are in every parent's mind, and they should realize the importance of technology in daily life. For this purpose, there are plenty of gadgets available in the market to choose from. These gizmos are equipped with learning capability and are entertaining to utilize. The question is, how to choose from the list of so many gadgets.
We have provided a list of the seven best gadgets you can provide to your kids. These seven gadgets will not only improve your child's learning abilities, but your child will let go of the screen time. Parents can perform their daily chores without any fears of failing a child.