Make-up and women are known to go hand in hand. One of the most used make-up products is nail polish. Women choose nail polishes based on a multitude of factors such as shades, texture, finish. But often, these nail polishes have chemicals and alcohol that make them unbreathable and haram. Recent research has shown that because breathable nail polish, also called halal nail polish, allows air to penetrate the paint layer, it reduces the dry-off time by half.
They are also smudge-proof and long-lasting. And most importantly, Practising Muslims can wear this while praying as it does not go against their faith. They are better for nails in general and do not contain many of the regularly used chemicals harsh on nails.

There are several other benefits of using halal nail polish!
#1 Makes a social impact
How can nail polish make a social impact? One may ask, but they do! Practising Muslims carry out the holy Wudu, and it involves washing and cleansing starting from the hand. According to their belief, even nails should be scrubbed and cleaned, which requires women to remove their nail polishes often. But with the advent of breathable nail polishes, it is not needed anymore. It creates a significant social impact since it is inclusive of everyone’s faith.
#2 Manicure and benefits
Excess build-up of oils on the nails prevents the nail polish from staying stuck on to them, making it easier and quicker for it to get chipped. But opting for a breathable nail polish ensures that the nail polish stays on as it has an enduring grip. When applied after a manicure, this nail polish stays on for more than a week without getting chipped. It means fewer visits to the nail salon and more savings. Using a nail cleanser before getting a manicure makes the manicure more durable and long-lasting.

#3 Less chemical substances
While one cannot say that breathable nail polishes have zero chemical substances, they are required for pigmentation and finish and so are present in very tiny amounts. However, they are free from a few chemical substances that are toxic and harmful to health. These chemicals include camphor, formaldehyde, parabens, toluene, fragrances, etc.
The less the chemical substances, the better, and this is one of the most compelling reasons to switch to using halal nail polishes.
#4 Easy application
One does not need to apply a base coat because breathable nail polish lets the nails get exposed to water and air. Because of this, the nail paint application routine is much shorter and cheaper. All one needs is a french brush and its curved edges to apply the nail polish to get that perfect manicured look.
Halal products and vegan products are different. However, if a beauty product is halal, it is considered vegan as it does not contain any animal product. But the same can not be said the other way around. All vegan products are not halal, so halal cosmetics need to be certified as they can not contain prohibited substances like alcohol. The simplest way of identifying a halal cosmetic product is by looking for the logo on the packaging and the ingredients.
Brands like Sienna are upping up their game by coming up with new cruelty-free and vegan formulas that are free from harsh chemicals. They are bound by ethics and try to make their products as sustainable as possible.