Who doesn’t love a clean space? Well, everyone does but cleaning can sometimes be overwhelming. And by sometimes, I mean the times when we don’t pay attention unless we have to. It may not seem very likely but we all have bad cleaning habits which make our lives a little harder than it has to be.
To change these overwhelming tasks, first, we need to know what these habits are. Once we know these all that is left to be done is trying and changing it. And trust me, you don’t have to implement a lot of change or make huge efforts to get organized.

Through this article, you will learn about a few common bad cleaning habits that most people follow which can be changed with a little effort. The ultimate result of your hard work will be a comfortable house. Here’s what you need to know:
1. That pile of clothes
Have you noticed all your clothes in a corner or perhaps on a chair in your room. Well, this means you are doing it wrong and you are not the only one doing this. We often place clothes in places and they keep piling up resulting in a day spent organizing them.
But this can easily be dealt with. The next time you change your clothes just place them on a hanger or change near your wardrobe so you can keep it directly where it needs to be. Follow the same once you are done with laundry and soon the pile will disappear.
2. Dishes in the sink
Do you put your dishes in the sink thinking you will clean them the next morning? Well, did you know the longer the plates sit in the sink the harder it gets to clean them? A task like cleaning the dishes may not seem that hard but the more you keep avoiding it, the more plates go into the sink.
Just wash the dishes once you are done eating, it won’t take much longer and every time you do it you save yourself a visit to the messy sink.
3. Overlapping Spaces
Especially now that we are spending more time working from our home, it is important to have a defined workspace. For instance, if you are working on your dining table or your bed that space is being filled with your work documents and laptops due to which you and your family won’t be able to use that space.

Instead, create a dedicated space. It may be a small corner in your hallway, your bedroom or space used rarely. In doing so you not only get your common space back, but you also get a workspace that allows you to organize the stuff as per your requirements.
4. Not Following Directions
Have you used a cleaning product but had to redo it? That is because different chemicals take different amounts of time to break down to make the cleaning process easier. It's all mentioned in ‘Directions to Use’
Most people miss that part and go through the effort of doing wrong or doing it again. Just read the directions before using any product. A few seconds of reading can save you from doing it twice.
5. Accumulating Paper Clutter
Even during the digital age, we always find stacks of paper lying around the house. It can be magazines, bills, school/ college projects or even some unnecessary lists. We never bother to clear them and it becomes a big paper mountain.
Instead of having them lying around the house, use a shredder or just throw them away. They take up space and are never pleasing to the eyes.
6. Waiting to Clean Up
If you look around your room at night and find books, laptops, phones, snack packs, etc lying all around, you are being lazy and you need to start cleaning. Make your bed when you wake up, if you work or eat on your bed make sure you put things back in their place. Different things have different space allotted for a reason and having them in their place doesn’t take much time either. The more you delay the process the more you have to work.
Wrap Up
If you are doing any of the things listed above, you have some bad cleaning habits and now you know what you can do to change them.
Habits don’t change in a day, it takes time. Just follow the simple 5 minutes rule, ‘if you can do the work in 5 minutes do it right away.’ Like making your bed or cleaning the dishes or taking the trash out, etc. Just breath, take charge and do it. With these factors in mind, you should have no trouble changing your cleaning habits.
Hope this helped you learn about some bad cleaning habits and we are sure if you have them, you can overcome them.