The world was running smoothly and in its mainstream, normal way until the day we heard about a virus to which people are succumbing in some other countries. Then within an eye blink we were under a nation wide lockdown with everything in a standstill situation. The whole human race in a fear of a deadly virus was locked inside their homes. Walks on the road, chatting near the local vendors, school, colleges, functions everything was stopped. We were only allowed to step out for emergency services with precautions to save ourselves from the virus.

Life During Lockdown
It's been almost one year we are under lockdown, may it be partial or complete but we have somewhat adjusted to this life. We have come to a compromise with the situation. Lockdown life is frustrating and exhausting, but there were things we have been grateful for, like
- Before the pandemic, we were so engrossed in our lives we hardly had time for our loved ones and now we have been spending more time with our family, connecting with each other and reviving memories.
- Doing things we always wanted to do, following our passions in fields we were interested in.
- Increasing our knowledge through investing time in knowing new things through books, blogs.
- Focusing on self growth in every aspect of life.
- Maintaining a healthy routine by doing many physical activities and workouts.
Maybe we are now comfortable with the current lifestyle but everyone of us are eagerly waiting for the Covid 19 virus pandemic to end, the Lockdown to be completely lifted. We are making plans for our after covid 19 life.

After Pandemic Life
Everyone of us may have accepted our lives now being under the Lockdown but we are still waiting for our lives to be normal back again, without any fetal virus roaming in the environment, without masks and sanitizers'. We have figured out how our lives after the pandemic is over going to look.
- VACATIONS - We haven't seen or spent time with nature, exploring new places on beaches and mountains. People have made their vacation list and places they are going to visit after everything is fine.
- FAMILY TIME - The one thing that we have distinctively learned in this lockdown is not to take our loved ones for granted. So even after the pandemic is over we are going to spend more time with our family.
- FEASIBLE LIFESTYLE - As in a strict on going lockdown people didn't have any choice than accepting to adopt a sustainable lifestyle in which they lead their life with only things they needed nothing more. This way of living a sustainable lifestyle is going to be very helpful for the after pandemic life.
- GOOD HABITS - Having an ample amount of time in this lockdown we have made some good and healthy habits like focusing on our health which includes intake of healthy and nutritious food instead of junk food, doing physical activities to keep our body active and fit.
- PERSONAL GROWTH - We are coming out of this pandemic with many new skills and upgrading our personal and professional skills. Everyone who has been working on personal growth is going to excel, may it be in their professional field or in personal life.
- WORK FROM HOME - As the pandemic ends, many people may not be able to go back to their office lives due to social Distancing, work is going to be home centric where they can be a little less stressed and can also spend time with family simultaneously.
- TECHNICAL EDUCATION - since the Lockdown everything has shifted to online platforms may it be online classes to office meetings. People are now more technically sound and can operate along the fast growing technologies.
As still our country is fighting for every breath we hope this darker time will soon be gone and more captivating and happier times will come forward.