Today, we've chosen some of the best inspirational quotes from across the globe for you to enjoy, share, and remember. Quotes are those tiny reminders that we all need from time to time, and some of them are strong enough to motivate us for the whole week.

Transform Your Life with These Inspirational Quotes
- "Just remember that if you sincerely want achievement, you will never give up. Regardless of how awful the situation becomes."
- "Acknowledge that you are in charge of your life. Know that you, and no one else, will bring you where you want to go."
- "I'm not sorry for what I've done. I'm sorry for what I didn't do when I had the opportunity."
- "What makes life fascinating is conquering challenges, and what makes life worthwhile is overcoming challenges."
- "It's difficult to wait for something you know won't happen, but it's much more difficult to give up when you know it's everything you desire."
- "Having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don't feel like it, is one of the most crucial keys to success."
- "Good things come to those who wait, but even better things come to those who get off their asses and do whatever it takes to make it happen."
- "Happiness isn't something that can be bought, earned, or worn. It's the spiritual experience of loving, kindness, and thankfulness in every moment."
- "Your drive for achievement should outweigh your fear of failure if you want to succeed."
- "Go where you'll be praised rather than tolerated. It's time for a fresh start if they can't perceive your true worth."
- Don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs, even if it means doing it alone.
- "The greatest form of retaliation is a huge success."
- "Forget about all the reasons why it won't work and focus on the one reason why it will."
- "I am grateful to everyone who said no to me. I'm doing it myself because of them."
- "Love for what you do is the only way to achieve an outstanding job." Keep searching if you haven't discovered it yet. "Don't give up."
- "Life is brief; make the most of it. Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Anger is terrible, therefore get rid of it. Face it, fear is a horrible thing. Memories are precious; treasure them."
- "When you say "it's difficult," what you're really saying is "I'm not strong enough to fight for it." Stop claiming it's difficult. Keep an optimistic attitude!"
- "Life is similar to photography. The negatives are necessary for the development of the positives."
- "Don't be concerned about your failures. Be concerned about the opportunities you lose when you don't even attempt."
- "The suffering you experience now is the strength you will experience tomorrow." Every obstacle presents a chance for development."
- "Construct your own dreams, or you'll be hired to build someone else's."
- "The only thing standing between you and your dream is your willingness to attempt and your confidence that it is attainable."
- "The greatest beautiful attribute a person can have is self-confidence. How can anybody else know how amazing you are if you can't see it for yourself?"
- "Everyone who comes into our lives teaches us something. Some lessons are difficult, while others are not... but they are all precious."
- "Just because you're pleased doesn't imply everything is great. It signifies you've made the decision to look beyond flaws."
- "No one ever planned to be poor, overweight, lazy, or foolish. That's what happens when you don't have a strategy."
- "In life, there are three things you cannot recover: the WORD after it has been said, the MOMENT after it has been missed, and the TIME after it has passed."
- "While no one can start over and establish a fresh beginning, everyone can start over and make a new ending."
- "Let the previous calls go to voicemail; trust me, it has nothing new to say."
- "Life's first rule. "Do whatever it is that makes YOU happy."
- "Stay away from anything or anybody who detracts from your happiness. "It's too short a life to put up with knuckleheads."
- "I admire what you've got. You must have what you want. Accept the situation as it is. Give as much as you can. Always keep in mind that "what goes around, comes around..."
- "Just keep in mind that someone out there is perfectly content with less than you have."
- "The worst failure you can have in life is never attempting anything at all."
- "There are two rules in life: #1, never give up, and #2, always remember rule #1."
- "No one is going to make it easy for me. I'll have to go out and grab it myself. That is why I have come. To have the upper hand. To take over. Both the world and me."
- "The best way to get going is to stop talking and start acting."
“If you are not taking responsibility for your state of consciousness, you are not taking responsibility for life.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Today I've decided to share with you these awesome inspirational quotes that can change your life; These magnificent quotes about change can help us in coping with life’s changes which can affect our future.
Inspirational Quotes That Can Change Your Life