Every year on December 25, people celebrate Christmas. The event commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ on his birthday. In Christian mythology, Jesus Christ is revered as God's Messiah. As a result, among Christians, his birthday is one of the most joyous occasions. Although the event is mostly observed by Christians, it is one of the most widely observed festivals worldwide. Christmas is a time of joy and love. Everyone, regardless of their religious affiliation, celebrates it with zest and enthusiasm. Christmas is a cultural and traditional holiday. The festival necessitates extensive planning. For the most part, Christmas preparations begin early. Christmas preparations entail a variety of tasks, including the purchase of decorations, food, and gifts for family and friends.
On Christmas Day, most people wear white or red-colored clothing. The Christmas season, which begins with Thanksgiving, brings joy and festivity to everyone's lives. Thanksgiving is a day when people praise God for providing them with a plentiful harvest and express gratitude for all the good things and people in their lives. People greet each other a Merry Christmas and pray that the holiday removes all negativity and evil from their lives. For Christians, Christmas is the most important holiday. It instils a positive attitude in people all around the world. Traditional Christians treasure this occasion. It has gained widespread acceptance among all people, regardless of faith or community. It's the time of year when families gather together and prepare lovely meals for one another. The Christmas tree is a major centre of interest during the holiday season. People adorn Christmas trees with bells, balls, glitter, and stars and place them in their homes. It's all about baking lovely cakes and sharing them with the people you care about.

The most enjoyable Christmas activity is decorating the Christmas tree. It can be done by adorning the Christmas tree with lovely trinkets, bells, and ornaments. People exchange gifts, and many parents tell their children that Santa Claus, the fictitious Santa Claus, sends them gifts every year. Children are taught to share and be compassionate to others by assisting one another when they are in need. Christmas being one of our favourite times, we get to listen to many stories about it, so here is a list of some of the interesting facts about Christmas-
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Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, but the precise date has been lost to history. The Bible makes no mention of December 25, and many historians believe Jesus was born in the spring. According to some historians, the date was chosen because it coincided with the pagan celebration of Saturnalia, which celebrated and gave gifts to the agricultural deity Saturn.
2. TERM 'XMAS' –
The term 'Christmas' was first used in the 16th century. The letter 'X' in the word Xmas stems from ancient Greek. Christ begins with the letter X in Greek. As a result, Xmas stands for Christmas.
The tradition of decorating Christmas trees dates back to the ancient Egyptians and Romans, who used evergreens to symbolise the return of spring on the winter solstice. You're commemorating history if you decorate your halls with a green tree, wreaths, or evergreen garland.
St. Nicholas is the inspiration for Santa Claus. St. Nicholas, according to legend, was a Christian bishop who helped the destitute and needy. He also adored youngsters and enjoyed surreptitiously giving them gifts. As word of his storey spread, he was dubbed Sinterklaas, which became Santa Claus.
Santa Claus used to dress in green, purple, or blue clothing. This was a recurring topic for the jolly old man at the North Pole for many years. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, opted to clothe him in colours that matched their brand, and this stuck.
Thank the Dutch if your children leave Santa a small food to keep him occupied on your travels. On the feast day of St. Nicholas, December 6, Dutch children offer him food and drink to be traded for gifts the next day.
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer who pulls Santa's sledges on Christmas Eve, is certainly familiar to you and your children. Rudolph couldn't possibly pull Santa's sled by himself. It's brimming with gifts for every nice youngster on the planet, and Rudolph can't do it all by himself. Santa's ninth reindeer is Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer. He is aided by an additional eight reindeer. Cupid, Dancer, Vixen, Dunder, Comet, Dasher, Prancer, and Blixem are the eight reindeer.
A mistletoe is a symbol of love, laughter, and compassion, according to legend. And kissing under the mistletoe is thought to be a manner of requesting the blessings of the Christmas spirits through the mistletoe.
According to legend, we hang stockings by the chimney with care since a poor man couldn't afford to pay for his three daughters' dowries. After the girls had hung their newly washed stockings to dry, generous old St. Nick threw a sack of money down their chimney. The gold ended up there, and the tradition continued.
In the year 1836, Alabama became the first state in the United States to recognise Christmas as a holiday. In the year 1907, Oklahoma declared Christmas a holiday being the last state to consider Christmas as a holiday.
These Christmas facts will come to the rescue for those of us who are a little out of practice when it comes to conversation or if you need an ice breaker. You can also use this information to prepare for a Christmas quiz night.